
Contao front end widget that provides dropzonejs.com functionality.

1.9.1 2025-03-19 09:15 UTC


Contao Multi File Upload Bundle

Contao front end widget that provides dropzonejs.com functionality to both back and front end.

alt text




  1. Install heimrichhannot/contao-multifileupload-bundle via composer or contao manager

    composer require heimrichhannot/contao-multifileupload-bundle
  2. Update your database

Form Generator

Create your form and use the File-Upload (Multi File Upload) field type.

Screenshot of the multi column editor field type in the contao form generator backend.


Create a widget of inputType multifileupload. It is usable in the contao backend or in the contao frontend in combination with Formhybrid.

$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_example']['fields']['example_upload'] = [
    'inputType' => 'multifileupload',
    'eval'      => [
        'extensions'     => string, # A comma-seperated list of allowed file types (e.g. "jpg,png"). Default: 'Config::get('uploadTypes')'
        'fieldType'      => 'radio'|'checkbox', # Use radio for single file upload, checkbox for multi file upload
        'uploadFolder'   => array|string|callable, # Set the folder where uploaded files are stored after submission. Can be a static string (e.g. 'files/upload') or a callback function.
        'maxFiles'       => int, # Maximum number of files that can be uploaded. Works only if multi file upload is allowed (see fieldType). Default: 10
        'maxUploadSize'  => int|string, # Maximum upload size in byte, KiB ("100K"), MiB ("4M") or GiB ("1G"). Default: minimum from Config::get('maxFileSize') and ini_get('upload_max_filesize')
        'minImageWidth'  => int, # Minimum image width in pixel. Default: 0
        'minImageHeight' => int, # Minimum image height in pixel. Default: 0
        'maxImageWidth'  => int, # Maximum image width in pixel. Default: Config::get('imageWidth')
        'maxImageHeight' => int, # Maximum image height in pixel. Default: Config::get('imageHeight')
        'labels'         => [ # Optional. Custom text that will be placed in the dropzone field. Typically a reference to the global language array.
            'head' => string,
            'body' => string ,
        'skipDeleteAfterSubmit' => boolean, # Prevent file removal from filesystem. Default false
    'uploadPathCallback' => [[MyUploadCallback::class, 'onUploadPathCallback']],
    'validateUploadCallback' => [[MyUploadCallback::class, 'onValidateUploadCallback']],
    'sql'       => "blob NULL",

Example for simple single image file upload:

$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_example']['fields']['example_upload'] = [
    'inputType' => 'multifileupload',
    'eval'      => [
        'tl_class'      => 'clr',
        'extensions'    => Config::get('validImageTypes'),
        'fieldType'     => 'radio',
        'uploadFolder'        => 'files/uploads'
    'sql'       => "blob NULL",

Example for simple multiple image file upload:

$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_example']['fields']['example_upload'] = [
    'inputType' => 'multifileupload',
    'eval'      => [
        'tl_class'       => 'clr',
        'extensions'     => Config::get('validImageTypes'),
        'fieldType'      => 'checkbox',
        'uploadFolder'   => 'files/uploads'
    'sql'       => "blob NULL",

Example for multi image upload with additional config (maximum 5 files with custom image size):

$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_example']['fields']['example_upload'] = [
    'inputType' => 'multifileupload',
    'eval'      => [
        'tl_class'       => 'clr',
        'extensions'     => Config::get('validImageTypes'),
        'fieldType'      => 'checkbox',
        'maxFiles'       => 5,
        'minImageWidth'  => 600,
        'minImageHeight' => 300,
        'maxImageWidth'  => 1600,
        'maxImageHeight' => 1200,
        'uploadFolder'   => 'files/uploads'
    'sql'       => "blob NULL",


Supported dropzone config options

The bundles support most dropzone config options. Just pass them as eval attribute. See Dropzone Documentation for more information. Some additional node:

  • addRemoveLinks (boolean, default true): If true, this will add a link to every file preview to remove or cancel (if already uploading) the file.
  • maxFilesize: Is set by maxUploadSize eval property

Flow chart

A flowchart with description of the full upload procedure with callback injection can be found here: Flowchart.

Additional eval properties

Additional properties can be set in your fields eval section.

Name Default Description
minImageWidthErrorText $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['minWidth'] Custom error message for minimum image width. (arguments provided: 1 - minimum width from config, 2 - current image width)
minImageHeightErrorText $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['minHeight'] Custom error message for minimum image height. (arguments provided: 1 - minimum height from config, 2 - current image height)
maxImageWidthErrorText $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['maxWidth'] Custom error message for maximum image width. (arguments provided: 1 - maximum width from config, 2 - current image width)
maxImageHeightErrorText $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['maxHeight'] Custom error message for maximum image height. (arguments provided: 1 - maximum height from config, 2 - current image height)
createImageThumbnails boolean(true) Set to false if you dont want to preview thumbnails.
mimeFolder system/modules/multifileupload/assets/img/mimetypes/Numix-uTouch The relative path from contao root to custom mimetype folder, mimetypes.json and images must lie inside. (example: system/modules/multifileupload/assets/img/mimetypes/Numix-uTouch)
mimeThumbnailsOnly boolean(false) Set to true if you want to show mime image thumbnails only, and no image preview at all. (performance improvement)
thumbnailWidth 90 The thumbnail width (in px) of the uploaded file preview within the dropzone preview container.
thumbnailHeight 90 The thumbnail height (in px) of the uploaded file preview within the dropzone preview container.
hideLabel false Hide widget label (Frontend)
mimeTypes null A comma separated list of allowed mime types (e.g. 'application/x-compressed,application/x-zip-compressed,application/zip,multipart/x-zip'). Set to empty string '' if you don't want to restrict mime types. Set to null if you just want to restrict mime types if they differ while automatic detection.
timeout null Dropzone Request timeout in milliseconds. See Documentation

Field Callbacks

Type Arguments Expected return value Description
uploadPathCallback $strTarget, \File $objFile, \DataContainer $dc $strTarget Manipulate the upload path after form submission (run within onsubmit_callback).
validateUploadCallback \File $objFile, \Widget $objWidget boolean(false) or string with frontend error message Validate the uploaded file and add an error message if file does not pass validation, otherwise boolean(false) is expected.


PHP Events

Events dispatched by symfony event dispatcher.

Event Description
PostUploadEvent Allows working with the files after upload to upload destination.