
PHP Client for the XRP Ledger

0.9.7 2025-02-20 11:29 UTC


PHP SDK / Client Library to interact with the XRP Ledger. It offers all the functionality available in the JavaScript and Java Versions emphasizing robustness and code readability for those interested in looking under the hood and getting into the nitty-gritty of XRPL development.

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  1. Managing keys & creating test credentials
  2. Submitting transactions to the XRP Ledger
  3. Sending requests to observe the ledger
  4. Creating and signing transactions (e.g. Payments) to modify the ledger state
  5. Parsing ledger data into more convenient formats


This library is installable via Composer:

composer require hardcastle/xrpl_php


This library requires PHP 8.1 or later as well as the PHP extension GMP.


The "Quickstart" Examples

These examples reproduce the functionality from the JavaScript quickstart examples:

php 1.get-accounts-send-xrp.php
php 2.create-trustline-send-currency.php
php 3.mint-nfts.php

How-to Examples

These examples show how to use key features:

php examples/client.php
php examples/fundWallet.php
php examples/payment.php
php examples/token-create.php // IOU + Token + CBDC - Wallet Matrix with Trustlines

Core Examples

These examples can be used to explore XRPL core functionality:

php examples/internal/address-codec.php
php examples/internal/binary-codec.php

Run the project via Docker

  1. In the project directory, start the project and open a shell:
docker compose up -d
docker compose exec -u 0 php bash
  1. In the container shell, install the composer dependencies:
composer install

Run Tests

You can run the tests with the following command:

./vendor/bin/phpunit tests

You can perform static code analysis with psalm with the following command:

./vendor/bin/psalm --config=psalm.xml

Try it yourself

Issuing an Account Info request:

require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';

use Hardcastle\XRPL_PHP\Client\JsonRpcClient;
use Hardcastle\XRPL_PHP\Models\Account\AccountObjectsRequest;

// Those will be purged from the Testnet in regular intervals, you can use fundWallet()
// to generate prefunded Wallets on the Testnet
$testnetAccountAddress = 'raKXrkYfbh4Uzqc481jTXbaKsWnW5XRMjp';

$client = new JsonRpcClient("https://s.altnet.rippletest.net:51234");

$request = new AccountObjectsRequest(
    account: $testnetAccountAddress,
    ledgerIndex: 'validated',
    deletionBlockersOnly: true

// Using synchronous request
$response = $client->syncRequest($request);
$json = json_decode($response->getBody());

// Using asynchronous request
// $response = $client->request($request)->wait();
// $json = json_decode($response->getBody());
// print_r($json);

Making a payment:

// Use your own credentials here:
$testnetStandbyAccountSeed = 'sEdTcvQ9k4UUEHD9y947QiXEs93Fp2k';
$testnetStandbyAccountAddress = 'raJNboPDvjLrYZropPFrxvz2Qm7A9guEVd';
$standbyWallet = Wallet::fromSeed($testnetStandbyAccountSeed);

// Use your own credentials here:
$testnetOperationalAccountSeed = 'sEdVHf8rNEaRveJw4NdVKxm3iYWFuRb';
$testnetOperationalAccountAddress = 'rEQ3ik2kmAvajqpFweKgDghJFZQGpXxuRN';
$operationalWallet = Wallet::fromSeed($testnetStandbyAccountSeed);

$client = new JsonRpcClient("https://s.altnet.rippletest.net:51234");

$tx = [
    "TransactionType" => "Payment",
    "Account" => $testnetStandbyAccountAddress,
    "Amount" => xrpToDrops("100"),
    "Destination" => $testnetOperationalAccountAddress
$autofilledTx = $client->autofill($tx);
$signedTx = $standbyWallet->sign($autofilledTx);

$txResponse = $client->submitAndWait($signedTx['tx_blob']);
$result = $txResponse->getResult();
if ($result['meta']['TransactionResult'] === 'tecUNFUNDED_PAYMENT') {
    print_r("Error: The sending account is unfunded! TxHash: {$result['hash']}" . PHP_EOL);
} else {
    print_r("Token payment done! TxHash: {$result['hash']}" . PHP_EOL);