
Automagically generate conventional git commit message with AI. - 使用 AI 自动生成约定式 git 提交信息。

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1.15.3 2024-11-10 08:19 UTC



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Automagically generate conventional git commit message with AI. - 使用 AI 自动生成约定式 git 提交信息。

tests check & fix styling codecov Latest Stable Version GitHub release (latest by date) Total Downloads License



  • PHP >= 7.3


Download the ai-commit file

curl '' -o ai-commit -#
chmod +x ai-commit

Install via Composer

composer global require guanguans/ai-commit --dev -v # global
composer require guanguans/ai-commit --dev -v # local


Quick start

./ai-commit config set generators.bito_cli.binary bito-cli-binary... --global # Config Bito CLI binary(Optional)
./ai-commit config set generators.ernie_bot.api_key api-key... --global # Config Ernie API key
./ai-commit config set generators.ernie_bot_turbo.api_key api-key... --global # Config Ernie API key
./ai-commit config set generators.github_copilot_cli.binary gh-cli-binary... --global # Config Github CLI binary(Optional)
./ai-commit config set generators.github_models_cli.binary gh-cli-binary... --global # Config Github CLI binary(Optional)
./ai-commit config set generators.moonshot.api_key sk-... --global # Config Moonshot API key
./ai-commit config set generators.openai.api_key sk-... --global # Config OpenAI API key
./ai-commit config set generators.openai_chat.api_key sk-... --global # Config OpenAI API key

./ai-commit config set generator openai_chat --global # Config default generator(Optional)
./ai-commit commit # Generate and commit message using the default generator
./ai-commit commit --generator=github_copilot_cli # Generate and commit message using the specified generator
╰─ ./ai-commit commit --generator=bito_cli --no-edit --no-verify --ansi                                                                                                      ─╯
1. Generating commit message: generating...

 Please choose commit type [Automatically generate commit type]:
  [auto    ] Automatically generate commit type
  [feat    ] A new feature
  [fix     ] A bug fix
  [docs    ] Documentation only changes
  [style   ] Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
  [refactor] A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
  [perf    ] A code change that improves performance
  [test    ] Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests
  [build   ] Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (example scopes: gulp, broccoli, npm)
  [ci      ] Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts (example scopes: Travis, Circle, BrowserStack, SauceLabs)
  [chore   ] Other changes that don't modify src or test files
  [revert  ] Reverts a previous commit
 > chore

  RUN  'bito'
  ERR  Model in use: BASIC
  OUT  {
  OUT      "subject": "chore(ai-commit): update tape and gif resources",
  OUT      "body": "- Adjusted width and height settings in ai-commit.tape\n- Changed commit command generator from openai_chat to bito_cli\n- Updated ai-commit-vhs.gif file with new binary data"
  OUT  }
  RES  Command ran successfully
1. Generating commit message: ✔

2. Confirming commit message: confirming...
| subject                                         | body                                                            |
| chore(ai-commit): update tape and gif resources | - Adjusted width and height settings in ai-commit.tape          |
|                                                 | - Changed commit command generator from openai_chat to bito_cli |
|                                                 | - Updated ai-commit-vhs.gif file with new binary data           |

 Do you want to commit this message? (yes/no) [yes]:

2. Confirming commit message: ✔

3. Committing message: committing...

3. Committing message: ✔

 [OK] Successfully generated and committed message.                                                                     

List commands

╰─ ./ai-commit list                                                     ─╯

          _____    _____                          _ _   
    /\   |_   _|  / ____|                        (_) |  
   /  \    | |   | |     ___  _ __ ___  _ __ ___  _| |_ 
  / /\ \   | |   | |    / _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ ` _ \| | __|
 / ____ \ _| |_  | |___| (_) | | | | | | | | | | | | |_ 
/_/    \_\_____|  \_____\___/|_| |_| |_|_| |_| |_|_|\__|


  USAGE: ai-commit <command> [options] [arguments]

  commit      Automagically generate conventional commit message with AI.
  completion  Dump the shell completion script
  config      Manage config options.
  self-update Allows to self-update a build application
  thanks      Thanks for using this tool.

Operate config

./ai-commit config [set, get, unset, reset, list, edit] key value --global

./ai-commit config set key value
./ai-commit config get key
./ai-commit config unset key
./ai-commit config reset key
./ai-commit config list
./ai-commit config edit

Self update

╰─ ./ai-commit self-update                                        ─╯

Checking for a new version...

 [OK] Updated from version 1.2.4 to v1.2.5.                          

Command help

╰─ ./ai-commit commit --help                                                                                                                               ─╯
  Automagically generate conventional commit message with AI.

  commit [options] [--] [<path>]

  path                                   The working directory [default: "/Users/yaozm/Documents/develop/ai-commit"]

      --commit-options[=COMMIT-OPTIONS]  Append options for the `git commit` command [default: ["--edit"]] (multiple values allowed)
      --diff-options[=DIFF-OPTIONS]      Append options for the `git diff` command [default: [":!*-lock.json",":!*.lock",":!*.sum"]] (multiple values allowed)
  -g, --generator=GENERATOR              Specify generator name [default: "openai_chat"]
  -p, --prompt=PROMPT                    Specify prompt name of message generated [default: "conventional"]
      --no-edit                          Enable or disable git commit `--no-edit` option
      --no-verify                        Enable or disable git commit `--no-verify` option
  -c, --config[=CONFIG]                  Specify config file
      --retry-times=RETRY-TIMES          Specify times of retry [default: 3]
      --retry-sleep=RETRY-SLEEP          Specify sleep milliseconds of retry [default: 200]
      --dry-run                          Only generate message without commit
      --diff[=DIFF]                      Specify diff content
  -h, --help                             Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the list command
  -q, --quiet                            Do not output any message
  -V, --version                          Display this application version
      --ansi|--no-ansi                   Force (or disable --no-ansi) ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction                   Do not ask any interactive question
      --env[=ENV]                        The environment the command should run under
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose                   Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.