
Symfony GFSNotificationsBundle

v1.0.2 2016-05-05 14:09 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-01 20:47:38 UTC


Install via composer

composer require gfs/notifications ~v1.0

Add to AppKernel.php

new GFS\NotificationBundle\NotificationBundle(),

2. Create Notification

use GFS\NotificationBundle\Entity\Notification as Base;
class Notifications extends Base
    * @var int
    * @ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer")
    * @ORM\Id
    * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
    private $id;

   * @var User
   * @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="User",inversedBy="notifications")
   * @ORM\JoinColumn(name="user_id", onDelete="cascade")
  private $user;

   * @param UserInterface $user
   * @return $this
  public function setUser(UserInterface $user)
      $this->user = $user;

      return $this;

   * @return User
  public function getUser()
      return $this->user;

   * Get id
   * @return int
  public function getId()
      return $this->id;

   * This is important because the server will send your JSON notifications ( json_encode(your notification) ).
   * You can customize what field you want the server to send to your client.
  public function jsonSerialize()
      return [
          'type' => $this->getType(),
          'description' => $this->getDescription(),
          'checked' => $this->getChecked(),
          'checkedAt' => $this->getCheckedAt(),
          'createdAt' => $this->getCreateAt(),
          'url' => $this->url,
          'id' => $this->id,
          'userId' => $this->user->getUsername() //This helps the server identify if a specific user is connected and only send notifications to that user. You can use another field for common notifications, for example group notifications.

Function jsonSerialize should return an array that must contain the field 'userId', the server checks all connections if they contain this value.

3. Start server

Symfony 2 php app/console server:notification

Symfony 3 php bin/console server:notification

4. Client job

Use any WebSocket you want or any technologies. The most important thing is the URL, it must have GET parameter userId. That parameter will be bind to current connection. This userId is used when you create a notification, the parameter userId comes from function jsonSerialize. The GET parameter userId should be identical with the one returned by the function jsonSerialize, so the user receives the notification.

var conn = new WebSocket('ws://yourip:8080?userId='+$scope.username);
conn.onopen = function(e) {
    console.log("Connection established!");

conn.onmessage = function(e) {
    var noitification = JSON.parse(;
    // handle your notification object here

5. Create a notification

Create an entity: Notification. After successfully inserting it in the database, a notification will be sent to the server and the server will find the connection that matches userId field from jsonSerialize.

 $notification = new Notifications();
     ->setDescription('Your Notification here')


    host: localhost # ip or DNS where server run default is localhost
    port: 8080 # port when server want run default is 8080
    notification: GFS\NotificationBundle\Notification\Notification # you can implement your own Ratchet\MessageComponentInterface

Default Entity field:

  • id
  • type ( string, 255 )
  • description ( text )
  • created_at ( DateTime )
  • checked_at ( DateTime, default null )
  • checked ( boolean )
  • user ( instance of Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface )

Remeber if you want rewrite __contruct don't forget to write:

$this->created_at = new \DateTime('now').