
Classes and interfaces for dealing with fabrics

5.2.9 2023-01-30 07:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:37:41 UTC


Germania KG ยท Fabrics

Packagist PHP version PHP Composer


$ composer require germania-kg/fabrics "^5.0"

Interfaces and classes


  • FabricInterface
  • FabricAbstract
  • Fabric


See PdoFabricsClient for an implementation using PDO database.

namespace Germania\Fabrics;

interface FabricsClientInterface

     * Retrieve all fabrics belonging to the given collection.
     * @param  string        $collection   URL slug of a Germania Fabrics Collection
     * @param  string|null   $search       Optional: search term
     * @param  string|null   $sort         Optional: sort by field(s), string or CSV string
     * @return iterable|FabricInterface[]  Iterable with FabricInterface instances
    public function collection( string $collection, string $search = null, string $sort = null) : iterable;

     * Retrieves all fabric transparencies belonging to the given collection.
     * @param  string        $collection   URL slug of a Germania Fabrics Collection
     * @return iterable|FabricInterface[]  Iterable with FabricInterface instances
    public function collectionTransparencies( string $collection) : iterable;

     * Retrieves all color groups belonging to the given collection.
     * @param  string        $collection   URL slug of a Germania Fabrics Collection
     * @return iterable|FabricInterface[]  Iterable with FabricInterface instances
    public function collectionColors( string $collection) : iterable;

     * Retrieves a single fabric from a given collection.
     * @param  string $collection     URL slug of a Germania Fabrics Collection
     * @param  string $fabric_number  Fabric number
     * @return FabricInterface
    public function fabric( string $collection, string $fabric_number ) : FabricInterface;


use Germania\Fabrics\FabricFactory;

$factory = new FabricFactory;

$fabric = $factory( [
	'fabric_number' => "1234",
  'collection_slug' => "someCollection"

Per default, the factory creates instances of Germania\Fabrics\Fabric. You may override the class with a constructor parameter:

use MyApp\SepcialFabric;
$factory = new FabricFactory( SepcialFabric::class );


Any concrete Decator class extended from FabricDecoratorAbstract implements FabricInterface and accepts any FabricInterface instance in constructor:

use Germania\Fabrics\Fabric;
use Germania\Fabrics\FabricDecoratorAbstract;

class MyDecorator extends FabricDecoratorAbstract
  // ...

$fabric = new Fabric;
$my_fabric = new MyDecorator( $fabric );

Filter iterators

Filter the ArrayIterators from PdoCollectionFabrics and PdoCollectionFabricFuzzySearcher:

use Germania\Fabrics\PhotoNotEmptyFilterIterator;
use Germania\Fabrics\SameValueFilterIterator,
use Germania\Fabrics\LieferbarFabricsFilterIterator;
use Germania\Fabrics\EnabledFabricsFilterIterator;


The PdoFabricsClient implements FabricsClientInterface. Its constructor accepts an optional PSR-3 Logger.

use Germania\Fabrics\PdoFabricsClient;

$pdo = ... // Your PDO handler
$fabrics_table = "germania_fabrics";
$colors_table = "germania_color_groups";
$fabrics_colors_table = "germania_fabrics_colors";
$logger = // optional

$client = new PdoFabricsClient(

As of Release v4.5, the class provides a collections method:

$collections = $client->collections();

//ArrayIterator Object
//    [storage:ArrayIterator:private] => Array
//        (
//            [duette2014] => Array
//                (
//                    [collection_slug] => duette2014
//                    [collection_name] => DU-2014
//                    [fabrics_count] => 33
//                )
//            [jalousie2016] => Array
//                (
//                    [collection_slug] => jalousie2016
//                    [collection_name] => JAL-2016
//                    [fabrics_count] => 177
//                )

Unit tests

Copy phpunit.xml.dist to phpunit.xml and adapt to your needs. Run PhpUnit test or composer scripts like this:

$ composer test:unit
$ composer test:database