Mutex & Semaphore PHP implementations both based only on flock() function.

v1.0.1 2016-06-14 10:01 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 13:06:38 UTC


Latest stable version

Mutex & Semaphore PHP implementations both based only on flock() function.



File: demo-mutex.php.


$oLogger = new MinimalLogger();
$oMutex = new Mutex($oLogger, 100, '/tmp/demo-lock');

echo "Do anything for 3 seconds…\n";

⇒ RESULT for 2 processes P1 and P2:

P1 $ php examples/demo-mutex.php
Do anything for 3 seconds…

P2 $ php examples/demo-mutex.php
Waiting to acquire Mutex lock on /tmp/demo-lock…
Mutex lock acquired after 2.57s
Do anything for 3 seconds…


File: demo-semaphore.php.

Example, semaphore with 2 units of a resource /tmp/demo-sem:

$oLogger = new MinimalLogger();
$oSem = new Semaphore($oLogger, 2, 100, '/tmp/demo-sem');

echo "Do anything for 3 seconds…\n";

⇒ RESULT for 3 processes P1, P2 and P3:

P1 $ php examples/demo-semaphore.php
Do anything for 3 seconds…

P2 $ php examples/demo-semaphore.php
Do anything for 3 seconds…

P3 $ php examples/demo-semaphore.php
Waiting to acquire lock on /tmp/demo-sem…
Lock acquired after 2.30s
Do anything for 3 seconds…


Mutex is available via Packagist.

  1. Class autoloading and dependencies are managed by Composer so install it following the instructions on Composer: Installation - *nix or just run the following command:
$ curl -sS | php
  1. Add dependency to GAubry\Mutex into require section of your composer.json:
        "require": {
            "geoffroy-aubry/mutex": "1.*"

and run php composer.phar install from the terminal into the root folder of your project.

  1. Include Composer's autoloader and use the GAubry\Mutex classes.

Copyrights & licensing

Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPL version 3). See LICENSE file for details.

Change log

See CHANGELOG file for details.

Git branching model

The git branching model used for development is the one described and assisted by twgit tool: