
v2.1.5 2021-02-12 11:06 UTC


I forked from nette/coding-standard

Check & Fix Your Code with Nette Coding Standard

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This is set of sniff and fixers combined under EasyCodingStandard that checks and fixes your PHP code against Coding Standard in Documentation.

What Rules are Covered?

This package covers part of official rules, not all.

When you open /examples directory, all files you'll see are checked by this coding standard. The code might look invalid compared to Nette code you know, but it's only because this tool doesn't check it (yet).

All general rules you can find in coding-standard-php56.yml file.

Install and Use

Local Setup

Installation into global folder named coding-standard:

composer create-project galek/coding-standard

Check coding standard:

coding-standard/ecs check src tests --config coding-standard/coding-standard-php56.yml

And fix it:

coding-standard/ecs check src tests --config coding-standard/coding-standard-php56.yml --fix

Travis Setup

# .travis.yml
    - composer create-project galek/coding-standard temp/coding-standard

    - temp/coding-standard/ecs check src tests --config temp/coding-standard/coding-standard-php56.yml