
it will allow you to switch from sql database to elasticsearch as driver for your data storage and it will eliminate the deadlock so it makes telescope a ready for production logging system.

v3.1.0 2024-12-13 03:07 UTC


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It will allow you to switch from an SQL database to Elasticsearch as a driver for your data storage, and it will eliminate deadlocks, making Telescope a ready-for-production logging system.


composer require friendsofhyperf/telescope-elasticsearch

Publish Config

php bin/hyperf.php vendor:publish friendsofhyperf/telescope --id=config


// config/autoload/telescope.php
return [
    'driver' => 'elasticsearch',
    'storage' => [
        'elasticsearch' => [
            'driver' => FriendsOfHyperf\TelescopeElasticsearch\Storage\ElasticsearchEntriesRepository::class,
            'index' => 'telescope_entries',

            'hosts' => [''],
            'username' => null,
            'password' => null,