fluidtypo3/vhs dependents (45) Order by: name | downloads Show: all | require | require-dev

  • PHP


    Plugins and modules for publication management with Fedora repositories.

  • luitd/lu-api

    REST API Integration for TYPO3

  • HTML


    TYPO3 CMS Base Distribution


  • PHP


    TYPO3 Extension zur Darstellung von Personen und Institutionen aus der NAPI

  • JavaScript


    TYPO3 Extension zur Darstellung von Veranstaltungen aus der NAPI

  • olivermelle/om-evergreen

    Typo3 template intended to just work. Responsive, SEO friendly and 100% GDPR compliant. Available March / April 2023.

  • PHP


    Interactive Park Planner is a TYPO3 extension which is using leaflet library to place and show markers with its description on an image. You can create as many "plans/images" as you want. Markers with custom icons can also be used. Also, per marker, you can define individual titles and links to subpages. - Get in touch with us: Open New Media GmbH | Digital communication agency | Tel .: +49 261 30380-80 | E-Mail: info@onm.de | Web: https://www.onm.de | Hotel solutions: https://www.hotelsuite.de

  • PHP


    Development project for an open-source TYPO3 extension: open application platform

  • pkerling/vhs_scss

    Integrate SCSS template compilation into the vhs asset pipeline

  • rafu1987/vhsminify

    minify for VHS assets

  • riconet/t3-extension-directory

    This extension makes it possible to create directory entries like a company or a society.

  • riconet/t3-extension-fairs

    An extension to mange fairs. It also offers a half automated order process.


  • riconet/t3-extension-order

    This extension provides a simple cart functionality. You can add domain model objects, by using a partial in your templates, to the cart and create orders.

  • riconet/t3-extension-social-clubs

    This extension enables you to create, manage and display social clubs data.