
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Perform actions on Gumroad sales like inviting customers to GitHub repositories, or creating licenses

v0.0.1 2021-08-10 09:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-03-10 12:38:20 UTC


Perform actions on Gumroad sales like inviting customers to GitHub repositories, or creating licenses.

Support us


Like our work? You can support us by purchasing one of our products.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require flowframe/laravel-gumroad

You can easily publish the config like so:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=gumroad-config


Once you've installed the package you'll have to publish the config and exclude the /gumroad/webhook path from your App\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken middleware.

When you've published your config you can add products, their actions, and additional data:


use Flowframe\Gumroad\Actions\InviteUserToGitHubRepository;

return [

    'products' => [
            'short_product_id' => 'xyz', // The ID of your Gumroad product

            'actions' => [
                // The action(s) you want to perform


            'data' => [
                // Additional data you can pass to your action
                'github_repository_owner' => 'flowframe',
                'github_repository_name' => 'laravel-gumroad',


By default we provide an InviteUserToGitHubRepository action, more about that later.


You can create an action via the CLI like so: php artisan gumroad:make-action ActionName. You'll see that the action implements the Actionable interface and has a constructor with 2 parameters:

GumroadPing $gumroadPing, array $data

The $gumroadPing is a fully typed webhook request.

The $data array is the data from the product's config.

InviteUserToGitHubRepository Action

We provide an InviteUserToGitHubRepository action out of the box. To use this, add a personal access token from GitHub to your services.github.token config:


return [

    // ...

    'mailgun' => [...],

    'postmark' => [...],

    'ses' => [...],

    'github' => [
        'token' => 'your_access_token',


Now that's set, you'll have to pass along the github_repository_owner and github_repository_name inside the product's data array.

When you create a product on Gumroad you'll have to add a custom field named: GitHub Username, this field will be used to invite a user to your repository.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.