
Yii2 backup module

1.2.3 2022-06-23 23:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:29:24 UTC


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Этот файл доступен на русском языке.

This module helps to create and restore backups of databases and files stored on disk. It has web-interface, console commands, and REST-API for remote control. It also supports io-priority settings and has flexible configuration options. To work independently of the application database, this module uses its sqlite database in the backup folder.

Creating and restoring database backups is possible for MySQL and [PostgreSQL] (https://www.postgresql.org/). To do this, you must have the console client installed on the system for your database type. After a series of experiments, it became clear that creating and restoring databases   best using their native clients.


Now, this module supports English and Russian languages.

Yii backup module


To add this module to your app, just run:

$ composer require floor12/yii2-module-backup

or add this to the require section of your composer.json.

"floor12/yii2-module-backup": "dev-master"

After that, include minimal module configuration in modules section of application config:

'modules' => [
           'backup' =>  [
               'class' => 'floor12\backup\Module',
               'backupFolder' => '/mnt/raid10/backups',
               'administratorRoleName' => '@',
               'configs' => [
                   'mysql_db' => [
                       'type' => BackupType::DB,
                       'title' => 'Mysql Database',
                       'connection' => 'db',  // component from app config, usually 'db' 
                       'limit' => 0
                   'postgres_db' => [
                       'type' => BackupType::DB,
                       'title' => 'PostgresQL database',
                       'connection' => 'example_connection_name', // component from app config, usually 'db'
                       'io' => IOPriority::REALTIME,
                       'limit' => 0
                   'user_files_backup' => [
                       'type' => BackupType::FILES,
                       'title' => 'User uploaded files',
                       'path' => '@app/user_files',
                       'io' => IOPriority::IDLE,
                       'limit' => 0

These parameters is possible to set up:

  • administratorRoleName - role to access web controller
  • backupFolder - path or alias to the place where the backups are stored (default is @app/backups)
  • chmod - if this param has value, the new backup file will change mode after creation
  • authTokens - array of auth tokens to use REST-API of the module
  • adminLayout - it will change default main layout to something you need (if your admin panel has different base layout)

And the main and required param is configs - it`s an associative array of your backup configurations (folders and databases). Each backup item mast have these elements to set:

  • a backup identifier as an array key, contains only letters and numbers without space;
  • type - type backup: disk or database;
  • title - human-readable backup item title to show in the admin interface;
  • limit - how many backup copies keep before delete (0 - never delete old copies);
  • io - input/output hdd priority, use floor12\backup\models\IOPriority constants to keep it confabulated. Default value is IOPriority::IDLE;
  • connection - in case of database backup, connection name in Yii2 config;
  • path - in case of disk backup, the path to store backup files;


WEB interface

This module has a web controller to work with backups. Go to backup/admin or backup/admin/index to create, delete, restore and download backups.

Console interface

To list all existing backups run

$ ./yii backup/console/index

To create config run

$ ./yii backup/console/create <backup_config_id>

backup_config_id is backup item identifier from module configuration.

To restore config run

$ ./yii backup/console/restore <backup_id>

backup_id is identifier of backup stored in sqlite database


By default, rest controller takes place on the route /backup/api. To get access to it, add header Backup-Auth-Token to request with one of the tokens stored in application config in the module section (param authTokens);

Get list of backups

GET /backup/api/index

This is useful to remote backup checks from some dashboard with a few projects.

Response example:

    "id": 8,
    "date": "2019-11-11 07:02:23",
    "status": 1,
    "type": 1,
    "config_id": "main_storage",
    "config_name": "TMP folder",
    "filename": "main_storage_2019-11-11_07-02-23.zip",
    "size": 4183
    "id": 7,
    "date": "2019-11-11 06:56:36",
    "status": 1,
    "type": 0,
    "config_id": "main_db",
    "config_name": "Main database",
    "filename": "main_db_2019-11-11_06-56-36.gz",
    "size": 753


Create new backup

POST /backup/api/backup?config_id=<backup_config_id>

Succes respons example:


Restore from backup

POST /backup/api/restore?id=<backup_id>

Succes respons example:


Delete backup

DELETE /backup/api/delete?id=<backup_id>

Succes respons example:


Get backup file

GET /backup/api/get?id=<backup_id>

This request will return backup archive with requested ID.