
DI container realisation

1.3 2022-03-31 10:08 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-09 20:27:57 UTC


Accessing the Container

You can build your container instance via static method:

$container = Container::init();

Container instance is singleton by default and rebuilding it won't give you new instance.

To obtain created Container instance you can use statis getInstance method:

$container = Container::getInstance();

If you really want to create new Container instance use:

$container = Container::init();

Basic Usage

You can resolve any instance with any dependencies in it using public make method. This method will resolve all dependencies in reverse and all default parameters in it.


class A {
    public B $b;
    public function __construct(B $b, $default = 'default') {
        $this->b = $b;
    public function doSomeStuffWithDependency()

$container = Container::init();
$instance = $container->make(A::class); // Will resolve A class with B dependency

You can also set you parameters instead of default using name of parameter:

$instance = $container->make(A::class, [
    'default' => 'Not default parameter'

Bindings and Singletons


You can bind interface to real realization using bind method:

$container->bind(IRequest::class, HttpRequest::class);

After this each class that uses IRequest as dependency will get HttpRequest resolving via DI:

$container->make(IRequest::class); // Instance of HttpRequest

Also you can bind custom callback function instead of concrete realisation:

$container->bind(IRequest::class, function(Container $container){
    return $container->make(HttpRequest:class);


You can bind dependency with third singleton parameter if you want to make the singleton instance

$container->bind(IRequest::class, HttpRequest::class, true);

// or quicker method

$container->singleton(IRequest::class, HttpRequest::class);

You can check if there is resolved singleton instance using has method and obtain it using get method:

$container->has(IRequest::class); // false
$container->get(IRequest:class); // null

$container->singleton(IRequest::class, HttpRequest::class);

$container->has(IRequest::class); // true
$container->get(IRequest:class); // HttpRequest instance


You can make aliases for specific realizations or abstracts:

$container->alias('request', HttpRequest::class);
$container->make('request'); // HttpRequest instance

Class Method Resolving

It is possible to call a class method with all dependency in it via DI Container. Method call will create a class instance and run a method that you set injecting all dependencies.

class Controller {
    public function someAction(HttpRequest $request, $id = 0) {
        // some stuff

$container = Container::init();

$result = $container->call([
    Controller::class, 'someAction'
]); // resulf of method completing

You can substitute parameters depends on what you need. For Example:

$result = $container->call([
    Controller::class, 'someAction'
], [
    'id' => $_GET['id']

You can pass parameters for instance that will call action via 3rd parameter:

$result = $container->call([
    Controller::class, 'someAction'
], [], [
    'service' => Service::class


You can run phpunit tests via:

$ vendor/bin/phpunit