
Flash applicative Translate - client component


GitHub release

Table of contents


This client permit to use the Translate Api. Thanks to it, you could request the API to :

  • Fetch data
  • Create data
  • Update data
  • Delete data




  • PHP 5.5

Step by step Installation

for all purposes (devlopment, contribution and production)


  • Cloning repository git clone https://github.com/flash-global/translate-client.git
  • Run Composer depedencies installation composer install


The Translate client needs some options to work properly. The available options that can be passed to the __construct() or setOptions() methods are :


Don't forget to set the right baseUrl :

$translate = new Translate([Translate::OPTION_BASEURL => 'http://translate.dev']);
$translate->setTransport(new BasicTransport());

Beanstalkd configuration

Running Beanstalkd is very simple. However, you must pay attention to the z option which set the maximum job (or message) size in bytes. So, if you want send multiple translations to Translate API, you should allow enough bytes according to the length of your translations.

Launch Unit test

Start the docker with docker-compose up -d

Then docker exec -ti translateclient_php_1 /var/html/vendor/bin/codecept run unit

Run api-client-worker.php

You could see below an example of running api-client-worker.php:

php /path/to/translate-client/vendor/bin/api-client-worker.php --host --port 11300 --delay 3

You can control the api-client-worker.php process by using Supervisor.


In order to make the client working properly, you need to configure a couple of paramaters :.

The configuration takes place in the config/config.php file. Here is a complete example of the configurations :

return [
    'lock_file' => dirname(__DIR__) . '/.translations.lock',
    'data_path' => dirname(__DIR__) . '/data',
    'translations_path' => dirname(__DIR__) . '/translations',
    'servers' => [
        '' => [
            'namespaces' => ['/a/b/c/d']
    'url' => ''
  • lock_file: this configuration is used to locate the lock used to determine if you have already subscribed to an API server
  • data_path : this configuration is used to set one directory that will be used to store temporary data when updating the translation cache of your client
  • translations_path: this configuration is used to set one directory that will be used to store your translation cache files
  • servers: this is an array defining all the servers you want to subscribe when calling the Translate::subscribe method without any $server in the parameter of the method.
  • url: this is the url used to listen the requests coming from the Translate API server when sending new translation cache files. Do not forget this parameter otherwise you will not receive any translations

Known issues

No known issue at this time.


As FEI Service, designed and made by OpCoding. The contribution workflow will involve both technical teams. Feel free to contribute, to improve features and apply patches, but keep in mind to carefully deal with pull request. Merging must be the product of complete discussions between Flash and OpCoding teams :)

Link to documentation


You can test this client easily thanks to the folder examples

Here, an example on how to use example : php /my/translate-client/folder/examples/translate.php

Basic usage

In order to consume Translate methods, you have to define a new Translate instance and set the right transport (Asynchronously or Synchronously).


use Fei\Service\Translate\Client\ Translate;
use Fei\ApiClient\Transport\BasicTransport;
use Fei\ApiClient\Transport\BeanstalkProxyTransport;
use Pheanstalk\Pheanstalk;

$translate = new Translate([Translate::OPTION_BASEURL => 'https://translate.api']); // Put your translate API base URL here
$translate->setTransport(new BasicTransport());

$proxy = new BeanstalkProxyTransport();
$proxy->setPheanstalk(new Pheanstalk(''));


// Use the translate client methods...

Translate client instance will first attempt to transfer the messages with Beanstalkd, if the process fail then the client will try to send I18nString payload directly to the right API endpoint.

There are several methods in Translate class, all listed in the following table: