Packages from f2

  • f2/asserty

    Unit testing for lazy people

  • f2/cmd

    Parses command line arguments and provides a nice help menu.

  • f2/code-parser

    A forgiving code tokenizer for tokenizing most programming languages such as Javascript, TypeScript, Python, C, C++, PHP, Forth and so on. A nice basis for making a compiler or DSL.

  • f2/common

    Provides shared functionality and exception classes for F2 libraries.

  • f2/getset

    A trait `F2\GetSet` that implements getters and setters with public, protected and private visibility and type checking.

  • f2/globals

    Provides a function `F2\globals(string $namespace):array` that allow you to save data without polluting the `$_GLOBALS` superglobal.

  • f2/http

    Integrates laminas/laminas-diactoros in f2 to provide psr/http-factory and psr/http-message

  • f2/pdo

    Provides a PDO service configured using DATABASE_URL environment variables.

  • f2/promises

    A simple to use Promise and co-routine library with an event loop that works transparently with Swoole, ReactPHP, Amp and probably others.

  • f2/router

    Integrates league/route with F2 with PSR-15 request handler and dispatcher.

  • f2/simple-router

    A fast router that will route requests to /users/123/ to a namespaced function \routes\users\_(int $id)

  • f2/types

    Data type declarations with casting, validation and annotations, without DocBlock parsing using pure PHP.

  • f2/config

    An interface for configuring and adapting all F2 components.

    Abandoned! See f2/common

  • f2/container

    Make dependency injection available for F2 components. Can auto discover and use containers from other frameworks.

    Abandoned! See f2/common