
This bundle reads Chaturbate's api to get live performers' information.

v0.0.4 2017-10-16 15:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-29 05:55:46 UTC


Build Status


This bundle uses PHP's native Memcached objects.

Make sure the memcached module is enabled in your PHP's installation.

Require the bundle using composer

$ composer require exs/feeds-chaturbate-bundle

Enable the bundle in AppKernel

// app/AppKernel.php

class AppKernel extends Kernel
    // ...
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            // ...
            new EXS\FeedsChaturbateBundle\EXSFeedsChaturbateBundle(),


Some configuration is available to manage the cache.

# Default values
    cache_ttl: 300
    memcached_host: 'localhost'
    memcached_port: 11211


 * Returns live performers information.
$performers = $container

 * Performers information  are like :
 * $performers = [
 *     [
 *         'num_followers' => 999,
 *         'display_name' => "XXX",
 *         'tags' => [
 *             "XXX",
 *         ],
 *         'location' => "XXX",
 *         'username' => "XXX",
 *         'spoken_languages' => "XXX",
 *         'is_hd' => true,
 *         'seconds_online' => 999,
 *         'gender' => "X",
 *         'age' => 99,
 *         'num_users' => 999,
 *         'room_subject' => "XXX",
 *     ],
 *     ...
 * ];

A command is also available if you want to force refresh the memcached record.

$ app/console feeds:chaturbate:refresh-live-performers --env=prod --no-debug

// Can specify cache lifetime
$ app/console feeds:chaturbate:refresh-live-performers --ttl=3600 --env=prod --no-debug