
Laravel Mailgun driver.

v1.1.0 2024-11-26 22:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-26 22:48:44 UTC


Laravel Mailgun

Laravel Mailgun

Latest Version on Packagist

Laravel Mailgun is a custom Laravel Mailgun driver that enables you to configure individual domains for multiple mailers, providing enhanced flexibility and precise control over email delivery.


  • Per-mailer Domain Configuration: Assign unique domains to specific mailers, ideal for multi-domain email setups.
  • Powered by the Mailgun API: Utilizes the official Mailgun API for reliable, secure email delivery.
  • Helper tools: Includes a user-friendly Artisan command to send test emails, making it easy to verify email configurations and troubleshoot deliverability issues.


To install the package, run:

composer require eubourne/laravel-mailgun

This package supports Laravel's package auto-discovery feature, so no manual service provider registration is required.

Basic Usage

1. Configure Mailgun API Settings

In your config/services.php file, add the Mailgun API credentials:

'mailgun-api' => [
    'secret' => env('MAILGUN_SECRET'),
    'endpoint' => env('MAILGUN_ENDPOINT', ''),

2. Define a Mailer

Update or create a new mailer in your config/mail.php file, specifying the mailgun-api transport:

'mailgun-tx' => [
    'transport' => env('MAIL_TX_TRANSPORT', 'mailgun-api'),
    'from' => [
        'address' => env('MAIL_TX_FROM_ADDRESS', env('MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS')),
        'name' => env('MAIL_FROM_NAME')
    'domain' => env('MAILGUN_DOMAIN'),
    'logger' => env('MAIL_LOG_CHANNEL'),

3. Set Environment Variables

Add the required Mailgun-specific values to your .env file.

4. Use the Mailer

When sending a mailable, specify your custom mailer:

Mail::mailer('mailgun-tx')->to($user)->send(new OrderShipped($order));

Setting a Default Mailer for a Mailable

If you want to always send a specific mailable using a particular mailer, you can define it with a public $mailer property in your mailable class:

class OrderPlaced extends Mailable
    public $mailer = 'transactional';

Alternatively, you can use the mailer($mailerName) method on your mailable instance to set the mailer dynamically at runtime:

$mailable = new OrderPlaced();

Important Notes:

  • The mailer specified with the mailer property or mailer() method will override the mailer used to initiate the send operation.
  • For instance, the following code will send the email using the transactional mailer, even though the promotional mailer is used to send the email:
$mailable = new OrderPlaced();

This flexibility allows you to set a default mailer for each mailable while retaining the ability to override it dynamically.


The package comes with a helpful Artisan command for testing email configuration and deliverability:

php artisan mail:test {email}

Whitelist Addresses

Before sending test emails, whitelist the recipient addresses by adding a whitelist key to your config/mail.php file:

'whitelist' => ['']

Example Usage

Send a test email to a whitelisted address:

php artisan mail:test

Specify a mailer for the test:

php artisan mail:test --mailer=mailgun-tx

Send the email through a specific queue:

php artisan mail:test --queue=mail


This package is open-source and available for free under the MIT license.


Feel free to submit issues or pull requests to help improve this package.


For more information or support, please reach out via GitHub or email.