
Dynamic Data Fields for Laravel

v1.1.0 2025-03-12 19:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-12 19:39:39 UTC


This package is designed to allow you to create dynamic data objects that can be used in your code. This is useful for when you need to store user defined information in a standard but still flexible structure.


composer require encoredigitalgroup/dynamicdata

Creating a new Dynamic Data Object

Let's create a Dynamic Data Object for someone's favorite TV Show


use EncoreDigitalGroup\DynamicData\Helpers\DynamicData

$ddo = new DynamicData()

$ddo->setLabel('Favorite TV Show');

//Build the Object as an Array
$ddo->build(); //build() is a wrapper for buildAsArray()

//Build the Object as a JSON String
$ddo->buildAsJson() //buildAsJson() is a wrapper for buildAsArray() that also runs json_encode() prior to returning the encoding JSON String

In the above example, we did not utilize every method to set every field, such as setIsEncrypted, as the default value of setIsEncrypted is false. We also instructed DynamicData not to encrypt the value supplied to setValue. As you would expect, any optional field that is not defined on the DynamicData() object, will be set to null when any build() method is called.

Field Information

Field Name Required Default Value
Type null
Value null
Source.Name null
Source.Scope null
External true
Required false
Excrypted.Is false
Encrypted.Shall false

Dynamic Data JSON Structure

Here is an example of what a dynamic data field looks like:

  "your_custom_field": {
    "name": "your_custom_field",
    "type": null,
    "label": "Favorite TV Show",
    "value": "Suits",
    "source": {
      "name": null,
      "scope": null
    "external": true,
    "required": false,
    "encrypted": {
      "is": false,
      "shall": false

The your_custom_field key is the name of the field. This is used to identify the field in your code quickly rather than needing to loop over each item checking the name of the field.

The name key inside of your_custom_field should be the same value as the key in which it resides. This is used so you can easily use this field name in your code should you need it.

The type key is used to identify what type of field this is. Encore Digital Group uses this field to determine what blade component should be used when rendering this field.

The label key is used to display a label to the user when they are editing this field.

The source.name key is used to identify where the data for this field lives. Encore Digital Group uses this field to determine what third party API to use to retrieve the data for this field.

The source.scope key is used to identify what scope to apply to the data source. For instance, if you need to add additional logic to the data source to retrieve the data, you can use this field to identify what scope to apply in you code.

The external key is used to determine if this field should be displayed to users.

The required key is used to determine if the user is required to provide a value to the field.

The encrypted.is key is used to determine if the value of the field is currently encrypted. More than likely, encrypted.is will be true if encrypted.shall is true. However, if a value has never been set for this field, then encrypted.is will be false.

The encrypted.shall key is used to determine if the value of the field should be encrypted. If encrypted.shall is true, then when the dynamic data is being encoded, this package will encrypt this field using you Laravel APP_KEY.