
Scaffolding for a web service or application with Slim

2.0.0 2016-01-08 17:26 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 21:13:53 UTC



The aim of this repository is to provide a solid foundation for building a web service with Slim 3 (repo) using modern practices and to provide examples on how you might use some of it's functionality. To that end, some example routes and controllers are provided, as well as a basic logger and APC/APCu cache provided by Stash. Testing is provided by Codeception.


Via composer:

composer create-project edhaase/slim-skeleton [destination].

Via git:

  • Clone this repo
  • Run composer install
  • Run composer bootstrap or composer run-script post-create-project-cmd
  • Enjoy!

Regarding the autoloader

This project uses PSR-4 autoloading. See composer.json for the mappings. If you change them, you'll have to rebuild the autoloader. You can do this by running composer dump-autoload --optimize.


docs/   - PHPDoc output
logs/   - Log output
public/ - Site configuration entry point limits what we expose
tests/  - Codeception tests
    Controller/ - Route controllers
    Model/      - Data models
    Service/    - Service providers
    app.php     - Primary application
    routes.php  - Route creation 
vendor/ - Composer install directory
config.example.php  - Example application config constants



Documentation can be generated using phpDocumentor.


composer test

Code standards

This project adheres to the PSR-2 coding style.


We've also provided some scripts through composer to make life easier.

        codecept  - shortcut to codecept
        test      - alias for codecept run
        cs        - alias for "phpcs --standard=PSR2 src/",
        cbf       - alias for "phpcbf --standard=PSR2 src/",
        serve     - starts test server
        bootstrap - alias to @post-create-project-cmd