
Simple conversion of an array to a pretty view

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4.2.0 2025-02-24 15:35 UTC


Pretty Array

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Simple conversion of an array to a pretty view.


To get the latest version of Pretty Array package, simply require the project using Composer:

composer require dragon-code/pretty-array

Instead, you may of course manually update your require block and run composer update if you so choose:

    "require": {
        "dragon-code/pretty-array": "^4.0"


Q: Why did you create this package when there is a cooler symfony/var-exporter?

The big minus of package symfony/var-exporter is that it works differently with numeric keys.

For example, we have an array:

$array = [
    100 => 'foo',
    200 => 'bar',
    201 => 'baz',
    202 => 'qwe',
    205 => 'ert',
    206 => 'tyu'

When exporting through it, the file will contain the following content:

$array = [
    100 => 'foo',
    200 => 'bar',
    205 => 'ert',

Q: Why do you think this is bad?

This package has a framework-independent base. However, it was originally developed as an assistant for the Laravel Lang: HTTP Statuses package.

This package allows you to publish language translations of the HTTP Status Codes for the Laravel and Lumen frameworks.

A feature of the framework is that IDEs that help with development do not know how to read the numeric keys of arrays of translation files, so it was necessary to translate theminto a text equivalent.

This behavior includes http-statuses.php file:


return [
    'unknownError' => 'Unknown Error',
    '0' => 'Unknown Error',

    '100' => 'Continue',
    '101' => 'Switching Protocols',
    '102' => 'Processing',

    '200' => 'OK',
    '201' => 'Created',
    '202' => 'Accepted',
    '203' => 'Non-Authoritative Information',
    '204' => 'No Content',
    '205' => 'Reset Content',
    '206' => 'Partial Content',
    '207' => 'Multi-Status',
    '208' => 'Already Reported',
    '226' => 'IM Used',

// ...

The peculiarity of the package is that it takes the values of the source file and combines it with what is already in the application. Thus, the output is a file with numeric keys that IDE helpers cannot read:


return [
    'unknownError' => 'Unknown Error',
    0 => 'Unknown Error',

    100 => 'Continue',
    'Switching Protocols',

    200 => 'OK',
    '201' => 'Created',
    'Non-Authoritative Information',
    'No Content',
    'Reset Content',
    'Partial Content',
    'Already Reported',
    226 => 'IM Used',

// ...


Source array for all examples:

$array = array (
    'foo' => 1,
    'bar' => 2,
    'baz' => 3,
    'qwerty' => 'qaz',
    'baq' => array (
        0 => 'qwe',
        '1' => 'rty',
        'asd' => 'zxc',
    'asdfgh' => array (
        'foobarbaz' => 'qwe',
        2 => 'rty',
        'qawsed' => 'zxc',
    2 => 'iop',

Saving numeric keys without alignment

use DragonCode\PrettyArray\Services\Formatter;

$service = Formatter::make();

return $service->raw($array);


    'foo' => 1,
    'bar' => 2,
    'baz' => 3,
    'qwerty' => 'qaz',
    'baq' => [
        0 => 'qwe',
        1 => 'rty',
        'asd' => 'zxc',
    'asdfgh' => [
        'foobarbaz' => 'qwe',
        2 => 'rty',
        'qawsed' => 'zxc',
    2 => 'iop',

Saving string keys without alignment

use DragonCode\PrettyArray\Services\Formatter;

$service = Formatter::make();

return $service->raw($array);


    'foo' => 1,
    'bar' => 2,
    'baz' => 3,
    'qwerty' => 'qaz',
    'baq' => [
        '0' => 'qwe',
        '1' => 'rty',
        'asd' => 'zxc',
    'asdfgh' => [
        'foobarbaz' => 'qwe',
        '2' => 'rty',
        'qawsed' => 'zxc',
    '2' => 'iop',

Saving numeric keys with alignment

use DragonCode\PrettyArray\Services\Formatter;

$service = Formatter::make();

return $service->raw($array);


    'foo'    => 1,
    'bar'    => 2,
    'baz'    => 3,
    'qwerty' => 'qaz',
    'baq'    => [
        0     => 'qwe',
        1     => 'rty',
        'asd' => 'zxc',
    'asdfgh' => [
        'foobarbaz' => 'qwe',
        2           => 'rty',
        'qawsed'    => 'zxc',
    2        => 'iop',

Saving string keys with alignment

use DragonCode\PrettyArray\Services\Formatter;

$service = Formatter::make();

return $service->raw($array);


    'foo'    => 1,
    'bar'    => 2,
    'baz'    => 3,
    'qwerty' => 'qaz',
    'baq'    => [
        '0'   => 'qwe',
        '1'   => 'rty',
        'asd' => 'zxc',
    'asdfgh' => [
        'foobarbaz' => 'qwe',
        '2'         => 'rty',
        'qawsed'    => 'zxc',
    '2'      => 'iop',

Saving simple array

use DragonCode\PrettyArray\Services\Formatter;

$service = Formatter::make();

return $service->raw($array);



Change key case

use DragonCode\Contracts\Pretty\Arr\Caseable;
use DragonCode\PrettyArray\Services\Formatter;

$service = Formatter::make();

return $service->raw($array);


    'Foo' => 1,
    'Bar' => 2,
    'Baz' => 3,
    'QweRty' => 'qaz',
    'Baq' => [
        0 => 'qwe',
        1 => 'rty',
        'Asd' => 'zxc',
    'AsdFgh' => [
        'FooBarBaz' => 'qwe',
        2 => 'rty',
        'QawSed' => 'zxc',
    2 => 'iop',

The following options are available:

  • camelCase (DragonCode\Contracts\Pretty\Arr\Caseable::CAMEL_CASE);
  • kebab-case (DragonCode\Contracts\Pretty\Arr\Caseable::KEBAB_CASE);
  • PascalCase (DragonCode\Contracts\Pretty\Arr\Caseable::PASCAL_CASE);
  • snake_case (DragonCode\Contracts\Pretty\Arr\Caseable::SNAKE_CASE);
  • no case (DragonCode\Contracts\Pretty\Arr\Caseable::NO_CASE). By default;

NO_CASE means that key register processing will not be performed.

Storing file

use DragonCode\PrettyArray\Services\File;
use DragonCode\PrettyArray\Services\Formatter;

$service = Formatter::make();

$formatted = $service->raw($array);


Result in stored file foo.php:


return [
    'foo' => 1,
    'bar' => 2,
    'baz' => 3,
    'qwerty' => 'qaz',
    'baq' => [
        0 => 'qwe',
        1 => 'rty',
        'asd' => 'zxc',
    'asdfgh' => [
        'foobarbaz' => 'qwe',
        2 => 'rty',
        'qawsed' => 'zxc',
    2 => 'iop',


use DragonCode\PrettyArray\Services\File;
use DragonCode\PrettyArray\Services\Formatter;

$service = Formatter::make();


$formatted = $service->raw($array);


Result in stored file foo.json:

    "foo": 1,
    "bar": 2,
    "baz": 3,
    "qwerty": "qaz",
    "baq": {
        "0": "qwe",
        "1": "rty",
        "asd": "zxc"
    "asdfgh": {
        "foobarbaz": "qwe",
        "2": "rty",
        "qawsed": "zxc"
    "2": "'iop'"


This package is licensed under the MIT License.