doctrine/doctrine-cache-bundle dependents (346) Order by: name | downloads Show: all | require | require-dev

  • jedolabs/contao-fontawesome-widget-bundle

    This bundle adds Font Awesome icon widget functionality to contao. This makes managing icons a breeze. This allows you to create input fields that allow you to add Font Awesome icons to their articles.

  • jedolabs/contao-newstweets-bundle

    This bundle adds Contao TweetNewsOnTwitter functionality. This makes managing News posts on Twitter a breeze. In the backend of Contao, your editors can easily manage the news posts.


  • PHP


    Kaliop Queueing Bundle - Kinesis plugin

  • PHP


    Library to communication between client and server

  • PHP


    a simple demo for kilik table bundle

  • PHP


    The foundation of the koalamon platform


  • HTML


    A Symfony skeleton application with user account functionality based on the Twitter Bootstrap and Gentelella template

  • PHP


    The Kunstmaan Admin bundle supplies your project with a basic, elegant backend interface you can modify and extend so you can make your perfect admin module. The clean interface makes it straightforward for you and the people working with it to change settings and modify content.

  • PHP


    A lot of sites enable users to vote or participate in actions where Facebook Likes are counted and rewarded. The KunstmaanVotingBundle was created to allow a faster setup of that kind of actions and will provide a backlog of votes your users casted. That way you can look for irregularities and automatically stop campains when their deadline has expired. It will provice support for votes on your site only but also for external social networks as Facebook so you can worry about you ideas and not how to implement it.

  • PHP


    Hello World extension for Contao Open Source CMS

  • PHP


    symfony wechat bundle