
An entity reference tree builder for WissKI.

1.0.0 2024-11-11 17:39 UTC


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A Drupal module extending drupal/entity_reference_tree to provide a hierarchy of entities configured through disambiguation points in the pathbuilder, e.g., tags or other forms of taxonomy. This module depends on drupal/entity_reference_tree and was tested successfully with 2.1.0.

Note: This module depends on the dynamic dispatch to other tree-builders defined in src/web/modules/contrib/entity_reference_tree/src/Controller/EntityReferenceTreeController.php:104. Should this dispatch ever go away, this module will break (or at least cease to function, which is the same).

Required dynamic dispatch in drupal/entity_reference_tree:

// Instance a entity tree builder for this entity type if it exists.
if (\Drupal::hasService('entity_reference_' . $entity_type . '_tree_builder')) {
  $treeBuilder = \Drupal::service('entity_reference_' . $entity_type . '_tree_builder');


  • PHP ^8.2
  • drupal/wisski (tested on 3.15)1
  • drupal/entity_reference_tree (tested on 2.3.2)1


$ composer require dmwg/wisski_entity_reference_tree


  1. Enable this module, along with drupal/entity_reference_tree via /admin/modules
  2. Under /admin/structure/, configure the required bundle:
    1. Go to Manage form display
    2. For the required field, set the type to "Entity reference tree"
    3. (optional) Configure the theme of the widget and other layout properties


We welcome all and any contributions via Pull Requests to this repository!

Local development environment

For local development, it is highly recommended to install this module into an existing Drupal codebase, e.g., under web/modules/custom. Furthermore, we recommend at least a basic WissKI installation (c.f. drupal/wisski). This will provide a richer code-completion for base-Drupal, as well as WissKI-specific code.

Important: without a local Drupal installation, static analysis via phpstan will fail miserably, as it relies on a Drupal autoloader.

The following example assumes an installation, and clones into web/modules/custom:

$ cd <DRUPAL_ROOT>/web/modules/custom
$ git clone
$ cd wisski_entity_reference
$ composer install

Linting & Static analysis

Please run vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=Drupal and fix any flagged errors; vendor/bin/phpcbf --standard=Drupal src can assist.

Please run vendor/bin/phpstan and fix any errors; don't let a failing build discourage you, we'll try and figure it out in the PR.

Authors and acknowledgment

  • Oliver Baumann <>
    • Refactoring & Maintenance
  • Myriel Fichtner
    • Concept & original version
  • Philipp Eisenhuth
    • Concept & original version

Project status

Alive, but dormant.


  1. Older versions might work fine. 2