
Dependency injection container

v1.1.0 2020-09-08 22:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 08:08:27 UTC


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The preferred method of installation is via Composer. Run the following command to install the latest version of a package and add it to your project's composer.json:

composer require djuricmilos/container


Simple container

The fastest way to create container is to instantiate Laganica\Di\Container class.

use Laganica\Di\Container;

$container = new Container();

By default, autowiring is enabled and annotations are disabled.

Configuring the container

use Laganica\Di\ContainerBuilder;

$builder = new ContainerBuilder();

$container = $builder->build();


If object of service class cannot be created by using autowiring we have to create a definition for that service. Definition is telling the container how to instantiate a service class.

Interface to Class binding

Container will use class name passed to bind method to create instance of that class.

use Laganica\Di\ContainerBuilder;
use function Laganica\Di\bind;

$builder = new ContainerBuilder();
    ServiceInterface::class => bind(Service::class)

$container = $builder->build();
$service = $container->get(ServiceInterface::class);

Class name

The same as bind, just shorter.

use Laganica\Di\ContainerBuilder;

$builder = new ContainerBuilder();
    ServiceInterface::class => Service::class

$container = $builder->build();
$service = $container->get(ServiceInterface::class);


Container will invoke closure to create service instance. Note that $container is available as closure parameter.

use Laganica\Di\ContainerBuilder;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
use function Laganica\Di\closure;

$builder = new ContainerBuilder();
    ServiceInterface::class => closure(static function (ContainerInterface $container) {
        return new Service($container->get(Dependency::class));

$container = $builder->build();
$service = $container->get(ServiceInterface::class);

Inline factory

The same as closure, just shorter.

use Laganica\Di\ContainerBuilder;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;

$builder = new ContainerBuilder();
    ServiceInterface::class => static function (ContainerInterface $container) {
        return new Service($container->get(Dependency::class));

$container = $builder->build();
$service = $container->get(ServiceInterface::class);


Container will invoke object of factory class to create service instance.

use Laganica\Di\ContainerBuilder;
use function Laganica\Di\factory;

$builder = new ContainerBuilder();
    ServiceInterface::class => factory(ServiceFactory::class)

$container = $builder->build();
$service = $container->get(ServiceInterface::class);

ServiceFactory is class that implements Laganica\Di\FactoryInterface interface and whose __invoke method is used to define how service is created.

use Laganica\Di\FactoryInterface;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;

class ServiceFactory implements FactoryInterface
    public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container)
        return new Service($container->get(Dependency::class));


Container will use entry name passed to alias method to find other entry and use it to create service instance.

use Laganica\Di\ContainerBuilder;
use function Laganica\Di\alias;

$builder = new ContainerBuilder();
    ServiceInterface::class => Service::class,
    'service-alias' => alias(ServiceInterface::class)

$container = $builder->build();
$service = $container->get('service-alias');


Container will return value passed to value method.

use Laganica\Di\ContainerBuilder;
use function Laganica\Di\value;

$builder = new ContainerBuilder();
    'count' => value(100)

$container = $builder->build();
$count = $container->get('count');


Sometimes we don't want to share the service from container. For that purpose we can use make() method.

use Laganica\Di\ContainerBuilder;
use function Laganica\Di\bind;

$builder = new ContainerBuilder();
    ServiceInterface::class => bind(Service::class)

$container = $builder->build();
$service = $container->make(ServiceInterface::class);


Container will use @Inject annotation on $dependency property in Service class to inject Dependency. As autowiring is enabled by default, it will be used to create instance of Dependency class.

use Laganica\Di\ContainerBuilder;

class Service
     * @Inject
     * @var Dependency
    private $dependency;

$builder = new ContainerBuilder();

$container = $builder->build();
$service = $container->get(Service::class);



Released under MIT License - see the License File for details.