
Translate IP addresses into geo locations

1.4.0 2024-03-13 10:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-22 13:28:58 UTC


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🌍 - Translate IP addresses into geo locations

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This package will assist you in grabbing a visitor's country.

What problem does this package solve?

Depending on the context of your application, you may want to display content tailored for a specific country/region of the visitor. This package will help with providing a sensible default using IP addresses if it is a first time visit for a user.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require dive-be/laravel-geo

You will also need to install GeoIP2 if you're planning to use their services:

composer require geoip2/geoip2

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan geo:install

This is the content of the config file:

return [
     * IP address translations can be cached to improve successive lookup times.
    'cache' => [
        'enabled' => false,

         * Address translations are tagged to only clear them when a clear command is run.
         * Not supported by the "file", "database" and "dynamodb" cache drivers.
        'tag' => 'dive-geo-location',

         * Time-to-live in seconds.
        'ttl' => 3600,

     * Detectors are classes responsible for detecting the geo location of a given IP address.
     * Supported drivers:
     *  - "static" (always translates to the fallback country)
     *  - "maxmind_db" (GeoIP2/GeoLite2 Databases)
     *  - "maxmind_web" (GeoIP2 Precision Web Services)
     *  - "ip2c" (IP 2 Country free web service)
    'detectors' => [
        'driver' => env('GEO_DETECTORS_DRIVER', 'static'),

        'ip2c' => [
            'endpoint' => 'https://api.ip2country.info/ip',

        'maxmind_db' => [
            'database_path' => storage_path('app/geoip2.mmdb'),
            'license_key' => env('GEO_DETECTORS_MAXMIND_DB_LICENSE_KEY'),
            'url' => 'https://download.maxmind.com/app/geoip_download?edition_id=GeoLite2-Country&license_key=%s&suffix=tar.gz',

        'maxmind_web' => [
            'account_id' => env('GEO_DETECTORS_MAXMIND_WEB_ACCOUNT_ID'),
            'license_key' => env('GEO_DETECTORS_MAXMIND_WEB_LICENSE_KEY'),

     * A valid ISO alpha-2 country code.
     * Used when an IP address cannot be translated.
    'fallback' => 'BE',

    'repos' => [
        'cookie' => [
            'name' => 'geo', // The cookie's name when set on the users' browsers

     * The valid FQCN of your custom transformer.
     * When set, values retrieved from the repository will be transformed first using this class.
    'transformer' => null,


First, you will have to decide which service to use.


When you've decided, set the GEO_DETECTORS_DRIVER environment variable to the correct value. Refer to the configuration file for the right values.

GeoIP2 Databases

  • Generate a license key
  • Set the GEO_DETECTORS_MAXMIND_DB_LICENSE_KEY environment variable to your license key

Auto updating local database

IP address ranges tend to become out of date over time. Therefore, this package also provides a convenient update command which you can schedule to run once a week to keep everything fresh.

// Console\Kernel.php
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)

Only applicable if using MaxMind's GeoIP2 Databases.

GeoIP2 Precision Web Services

  • Get account_id & license_key

IP 2 Country

This is a free service. You don't have to configure anything.

Note: it is strongly recommended to enable caching for this driver.


The static driver is meant for usage during local development and testing. You should not use it in any other environment as it is always going to return the fallback value.

Detecting a visitor's geo location

Add the DetectGeoLocation (or alias geo) middleware to your kernel's web middleware stack and you are good to go. If your app is behind a proxy/load balancer, make sure DetectGeoLocation is defined after TrustProxies.

'web' => [
    // omitted for brevity

Retrieving the detected country 🗺

There are multiple ways to retrieve the detected ISO alpha-2 country code.


use Dive\Geo\Facades\Geo;


or using the alias

use Geo;




Dependency injection

use Dive\Geo\Contracts\Repository;

public function __invoke(Repository $geo)

Transforming the detected geo location 🔷

It is a high probability that you'd like to transform the ISO alpha-2 country code into your own Eloquent model or value object after calling get on the repository class. You may define your own CountryTransformer which implements the Transformer interface and simply returns the desired object.


namespace App\Transformers;

use App\Models\Country;
use Dive\Geo\Contracts\Transformer;

class CountryTransformer implements Transformer
    public function transform(string $iso): Country
        return Country::findByIso($iso);

After defining the class, make sure to provide the FQCN in the configuration file.

'transformer' => App\Transformers\CountryTransformer::class,

Overwriting existing country ✍🏼

At any point in time, you may overwrite the detected country code. Simply call:

geo('TR'); // helper
Geo::put('TR'); // facade
$geo->put('TR'); // injected

Clearing the cache 🔥

When enabled, the translated addresses will be held in cache for a certain amount of time defined in the configuration file. If you'd like to wipe these translations, use the command:

php artisan geo:clear

Note: the cache driver must support tagging or else everything will be cleared when the command above is run.

Extending the detectors 👣

If the default drivers do not fulfill your needs, you may extend the DetectorManager with your own custom drivers:

use Dive\Geo\Facades\Detector;

Detector::extend('ipapi', function () {
    return new IPApiDetector(...);

Testing 🔎

This package offers fake implementations of the Repository & Detector contracts so you can make assertions in your unit tests and make sure you ship that bug-free code 💪. Just call fake on either of them and you're set:

use Dive\Geo\Facades\Detector;
use Dive\Geo\Facades\Geo;


Testing (package)

composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email oss@dive.be instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.