
An easy to use, provider based upload handler, for Slim Framework.

1.0.1 2024-03-13 13:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-11-21 13:52:12 UTC



This is a simple upload handler for Slim Framework. It is designed to be used with the PSR interfaces and is compatible with Slim 4.

Providers cover the following: Google Cloud Storage, AWS S3, and local files.

Simply install with:

composer require district5/slim-psr-upload-handler

Supported Providers...

  • Local File (Key: local)
    • This provider will save the file to a local directory.
    • Configuration:
      • path (string) - The directory to save the file to.
      • overwrite (bool) - Overwrite the file if it already exists.
      • appendRandom (bool) - Append a random string to the file name.
      • suppressExceptions (bool) - Ignore errors and return the UploadedDto object regardless. Overrides the global suppressExceptions option.
  • Google Cloud Storage (Key: gcs)
    • This provider will save the file to Google Cloud Storage.
    • Configuration:
      • projectId (string) - The Google Cloud project id.
      • bucket (string) - Your Google Cloud Storage bucket name.
      • path (string) - The path within to bucket the file, for example 'uploads' or 'images'. Leave empty (or null) for root.
      • keyFile (array) - The JSON decoded (ie, array) version of service account key file.
      • overwrite (bool) - Overwrite the file if it already exists.
      • appendRandom (bool) - Append a random string to the file name.
      • acl (string) - The Google Cloud Storage object ACL.
      • suppressExceptions (bool) - Ignore errors and return the UploadedDto object regardless. Overrides the global suppressExceptions option.
  • AWS S3 (Key: s3)
    • This provider will save the file to Amazon S3.
    • Configuration:
      • region (string) - The region of the bucket.
      • version (string) - The version of the S3 API to use.
      • bucket (string) - The name of the bucket.
      • path (string) - The path within to bucket the file, for example 'uploads' or 'images'. Leave empty (or null) for root.
      • accessKey (string) - The access key for the bucket.
      • secretKey (string) - The secret key for the bucket.
      • overwrite (bool) - Overwrite the file if it already exists.
      • appendRandom (bool) - Append a random string to the file name.
      • acl (string) - The ACL for the object (public-read, private, etc.).
      • suppressExceptions (bool) - Ignore errors and return the UploadedDto object regardless. Overrides the global suppressExceptions option.


use \District5\UploadHandler\UploadHandler;
use \Slim\Psr7\Request;
use \Slim\Psr7\Response;

$container = new \Slim\Container();
// ... add any other dependencies to the container before or after the upload handler

$uploadHandlerConfig = [
    'options' => [ // these are the core library options. these are the defaults for all handlers, but can be overridden in the handler specific config
        'suppressExceptions' => false, // ignore errors and return the UploadedDto object regardless.
        'appendRandom' => true, // append a random string (using uniqid) to the file, or use the original name
    'handlers' => [
        'example-google-cloud-storage-provider' => [ // 'my-gcs-provider' is the action name, this can be anything you want
            'provider' => 'gcs', // Or use the class name of GcsProvider::class
            'config' => [
                'suppressExceptions' => false, // Override the global suppressExceptions option
                'appendRandom' => false, // append a random string (using uniqid) to the file, or use the original name.  Overrides the global appendRandom option
                'overwrite' => false, // overwrite the file if it already exists
                'projectId' => $env->get('GCS_PROJECT_ID'), // your GCP project id
                'bucket' => $env->get('GCS_BUCKET'), // your GCS bucket name
                'path' => $env->get('GCS_OBJECT_PATH'), // or null/empty string for root
                'keyFile' => json_decode($env->get('GCS_KEY_FILE_CONTENT'), true), // your GCP service account key file content,
                'acl' => $env->get('GCS_OBJECT_ACL'), // the GCS object ACL
        'example-aws-s3-provider' => [ // 'generic-file' is the action name, this can be anything you want
            'provider' => 's3',
            'config' => [
                'suppressExceptions' => false, // suppress exceptions, or let them bubble up
                'appendRandom' => true, // append a random string (using uniqid) to the file, or use the original name.  Overrides the global appendRandom option
                'overwrite' => false, // overwrite the file if it already exists
                'region' => $env->get('S3_REGION'), // the region of the bucket
                'version' => $env->get('S3_VERSION'), // the version of the S3 API to use (typically 'latest')
                'bucket' => $env->get('S3_BUCKET'), // the name of the bucket
                'path' => $env->get('S3_OBJECT_PATH'), // or null/empty string for root
                'accessKey' => $env->get('S3_ACCESS_KEY'), // the access key for the bucket
                'secretKey' => $env->get('S3_SECRET_KEY'), // the secret key for the bucket
                'acl' => $env->get('S3_OBJECT_ACL') // the acl for the object (public-read, private, etc.)
        'example-local-file-provider' => [ // 'generic-file' is the action name, this can be anything you want
            'provider' => 'local', // Or use the class name of LocalFileProvider::class
            'config' => [
                // 'suppressExceptions' => false, // Override the global suppressExceptions option
                // 'appendRandom' => false, // append a random string (using uniqid) to the file, or use the original name. Overrides the global appendRandom option
                'overwrite' => false, // overwrite the file if it already exists
                'path' => $env->get('LOCAL_WRITABLE_DIRECTORY'), // the directory to save the file to (trailing slash is stripped)
UploadHandler::create($container, $uploadHandlerConfig);

$app = new \Slim\App($container);

$app->post('/upload', function (Request $request, Response $response, $args) {

    $file = $request->getUploadedFiles()['param-key'];
    /* @var $container \DI\Container */
    $uploadHandler = $container->get(UploadHandler::class);
    /* @var $uploadHandler UploadHandler */
    $result = $uploadHandler->handleFromUpload('example-google-cloud-storage-provider', $file);
    // or: $result = $uploadHandler->handleFromUpload('example-local-file-provider', $filePath);
    return $response->withJson($result);

Likewise, you can also upload from a local file path...

$app->post('/upload', function (Request $request, Response $response, $args) {

    $filePath = '/path/to/file.jpg';
    /* @var $container \DI\Container */
    $uploadHandler = $container->get(UploadHandler::class);
    /* @var $uploadHandler UploadHandler */
    $result = $uploadHandler->handleFromLocal('example-google-cloud-storage-provider', $filePath);
    // or: $result = $uploadHandler->handleFromLocal('example-local-file-provider', $filePath);
    return $response->withJson($result);

Creating your own provider...

To create your own provider, you need to extend the District5\UploadHandler\Provider\ProviderAbstract class. The ProviderAbstract class provides a lot of the boilerplate code for you.

Ultimately, there are three required methods to implement:

  • processFileFromUpload - This method is called when the file is uploaded and is a Slim\Psr7\UploadedFile object.
  • processFileFromLocal - This method is called when the file is being uploaded from a local file path.
  • getRequiredConfigKeys - This method should return an array of required configuration keys.

There are also optional methods to override:

  • getOptionalConfigKeys - This method should return an array of configuration keys to values that aren't required to be provided, and can default to a value, for example, if you were adding image resize before upload, you could use...
    protected function getOptionalConfigKeys(): array
         return [
             'allowedExtensions' => ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'],
             'maxWidth' => 1920,
    Ultimately, those values provided would be the default, unless overridden in the initial configuration for the provider in the handlers config array.

use Slim\Psr7\UploadedFile;
use District5\UploadHandler\Providers\ProviderAbstract;
use District5\UploadHandler\UploadedDto;

 * Class MyFileProvider
class MyFileProvider extends ProviderAbstract
     * @param UploadedFile $file
     * @return UploadedDto
    protected function processFileFromUpload(UploadedFile $file): UploadedDto
        try {
            $fileName = $file->getClientFilename();
            $newFileName = $this->getFileName($fileName); // this handles the appending of a random string if required

            $localDirectory = $this->getConfig('path');
            $localPath = rtrim($localDirectory, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . '/' . $newFileName;


            return new UploadedDto(
        } catch (Throwable $e) {
            if ($this->suppressException()) {
                return UploadedDto::createError($this, $e);

            throw $e; // re-throw the exception
     * @param string $filePath
     * @return UploadedDto
    protected function processFileFromLocal(string $filePath): UploadedDto
        try {
            $fileName = basename($filePath);
            $newFileName = $this->getFileName($fileName);

            $localDirectory = $this->getConfig('path');
            $localPath = rtrim($localDirectory, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . '/' . $newFileName;

            copy($filePath, $localPath);
            $mime = finfo_file(finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE), $filePath);
            $size = filesize($filePath);

            return new UploadedDto(
        } catch (Throwable $e) {
            if ($this->suppressException()) {
                return UploadedDto::createError($this, $e);

            throw $e; // re-throw the exception

     * Get an array of required config keys. No values, just the keys.
     * @return array
    protected function getRequiredConfigKeys(): array
        return ['path'];

To use this provider, you would add it to the handlers array in the UploadHandler configuration.

$uploadHandlerConfig = [
    'handlers' => [
        'my-file-provider' => [ // 'my-file-provider' is the action name, this can be anything you want
            'provider' => MyFileProvider::class, // the class name of your provider
            'config' => [ // the configuration for your provider
                'path' => '/tmp'