
Basic, silex based, implementation of the API for diMuG (digital Museums Guide)

dev-master 2013-11-10 03:42 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-01-05 17:06:07 UTC


Build Status Coverage Status

This is an sample implementation of an API to provide a data source for diMuG - the digital Museums Guide. It's based on silex.


  1. Install composer or just run the following command:
    curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
  1. Add following to your composer.json and run composer install.
    "require" : {
        "dimug/api": "dev-master"
  1. Run the additional install script via the console by running the following command:
    vendor/bin/dimug api:install

or if you prefer Deutsch:

    vendor/bin/dimug api:install de

How to connect your data source

  1. Create a class which implements the diMuG\APIv1\Interfaces\FinderInterface.

  2. Create a class which implements the diMuG\APIv1\Interfaces\GlossaryInterface.

  3. Use the PHPUnit test skeleton files in the dir tests to test your classes.

  4. Edit the configuration files config/configuration.yml and config/security.yml so that they represent your data. Use the following console command to test your configuration files:

    vendor/bin/dimug api:validate

or if you prefer Deutsch:

    vendor/bin/dimug api:validate de
  1. If everything is working, upload your files to your webserver and point your web-root to web. For further configuration details look into the silex documenation.