
A CakePHP to find and correct coding standard issues

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3.0.x-dev 2015-05-02 14:23 UTC

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Last update: 2021-10-13 04:20:50 UTC


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Rewrite for CakePHP 3.0

Author: Mark Scherer

The plugin provides a quick way to run your (default) sniffer rules on your app - or part (plugin for example) of it. It comes with good default settings for CakePHP apps and works out of the box as self-contained system. Additionally it allows the usual CakePHP handling regarding shells and adds a few goodies on top.

You can also always just run the base commands manually, but the shell really helps to keep things DRY and easy.


CakePHP 3.x

This is a self-contained CakePHP-only plugin shipped with everything including phpcs, phpmd and sniffs. Drag and drop it. Run it. Enjoy.

Possible dependencies see composer.json

How to use

  1. Installation via Composer

    a) Add this to your composer.json file (phpcs is included in this repo, not as a Composer dependency)

        "require" : {
            "dereuromark/cakephp-codesniffer": "3.0.x-dev"
  2. Load the plugin by adding this line to the bottom of your app's Config/bootstrap.php:

    Plugin::load('CodeSniffer'); // or just Plugin::loadAll();
  3. That's all! CodeSniffer is ready for use.

    cake CodeSniffer.[ShellName] run [/some/optional/path]

PHPCS Auto Fixer

The PHPCS lib is included with a huge amount of available sniffs out of the box:

	cake CodeSniffer.Cs run [/some/optional/path]

It will output a list of issues to your TMP dir. By default it uses the CakePHP standard. You can easily adjust it as -s MyOwnStandard, though.

To correct the found issues listed, use:

	cake CodeSniffer.Cs run [/some/optional/path] -f


  • Use -v for more output/infos.
  • To run it on a plugin, use -p PluginName.
  • Run it on view files (careful, its only intended to work with PHP class files) with -e ctp.
  • Run only specific sniffs with --sniffs=....

To display all available standards, run

	cake CodeSniffer.Cs standards

To compare two sniffs, use

	cake CodeSniffer.Cs compare [first] [second]

If you omit the second one, it will assume you want to compare with the current default standard.


This CS tool is very useful when writing your own sniffs:

	cake CodeSniffer.Cs tokenize [/path/to/file.ext]

It will tokenize a given PHP file into its PHP tokens, use -v verbose output for even more token details. The tokenized result will be stored as .token file besides your original one.

PHPMD Mess Detector

The PHPMD lib is included as the following command:

	cake CodeSniffer.Md run [/some/optional/path]

If you do not provide a path, it will automatically run the sniffer for your APP (root) path, (usually /src + /tests).

By default it

  • only looks at PHP files.
  • only uses the unused code sniff (as the others are sometimes somewhat controversal).
  • ignores plugins, vendor, webroot folders etc (in app or plugin - with no custom path argument set)
  • creates a log file in TMP for larger error reports where the console screen can't hold that much information)


  • Use -v for more output/infos.
  • To run it on a plugin, use -p PluginName.
  • To display on screen instead of logging away use -f display.
  • To use all rulesets, use -r *
  • To allow any suffix, use -s *
  • To exlude custom folders, use -e list,of,folders


  • To dry-run it, use -d. It will show the resulting command that would be executed.
  • You can use or mix custom rule sets: -r codesize,/my/rules.xml.
  • You can specicy multiple source directories in case you want to create one output for certain parts of your code: cake CodeSniffer.Md run /path1/,/path2,....
  • Leverage the exit codes 0,1,2 for Travis/Jenkins CI.
  • You can use shell aliasing to make the command shorter - even md [/some/optional/path] etc.

For details and more tips see


By default it uses the pre-defined settings. You can overwrite the default at runtime or globally using your APP configs:

// Use our own ruleset "codesize" as default
Configure::write('CodeSniffer.ruleset', 'codesize');

// A "custom" ruleset that is somewhere else on your file system
Configure::write('CodeSniffer.ruleset', '/absolute/path/to/custom.xml');


The Cleanup shell has some nice tools for code cleanup:

	cake CodeSniffer.Cleanup unused_use [/some/optional/path]

If you do not provide a path, it will automatically run the sniffer for your APP (root) path, (usually /src + /tests).

By default it checks all PHP files for the use statements and which are not necessary because the included classes are never used.


  • Use -v for more output/infos.
  • To run it on a plugin, use -p PluginName.

Same applies for all other config keys.


There is also some more work to be done on the fixer (minor bugs) and other tools. Also some sniffs need fixing.