
Simple package which dcode uses to manage activity logs

Installs: 1 059

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 3

Watchers: 6

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


1.0.17 2024-05-01 07:15 UTC


The dcodegroup/activity-log package provides a simple and unified approach to track and record activity / interactions against your Laravel models (and relations). Capture changes, updates, and user interactions to enhance transparency and auditing in your application in a centralised and consistent approach.

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Add the following to your package.json file to support markdown html:

"dependencies": {
  "vue-markdown-render": "^2.1.1",


You can install the package via composer:

composer require dcodegroup/activity-log

Then run the install command.

php artisan activity-log:install

Run the migrations

php artisan migrate

User Model

Add the following contract to the User model.

use Dcodegroup\ActivityLog\Contracts\HasActivityUser;

class User extends Authenticatable implements HasActivityUser

public function getActivityLogUserName(): string
    return $this->name;


Add the following js to your index.js file.

import VActivityLog from "@dcode/activity-log/resources/js/components/VActivityLog.vue";
import ActivityLogList from "@dcode/activity-log/resources/js/components/ActivityLogList.vue";
import ActivityEmail from "@dcode/activity-log/resources/js/components/ActivityEmail.vue";

app.component("VActivityLog", VActivityLog);
app.component("ActivityLogList", ActivityLogList);
app.component("ActivityEmail", ActivityEmail);

In your app.scss file add the following

@import "activity-log/index.scss";

Seem to need this in tailwind.config.js under spacing:

spacing: {
    "3xlSpace": "96px",
    "2xlSpace": "64px",
    xlSpace: "32px",
    lgSpace: "24px",
    mdSpace: "16px",
    smSpace: "12px",
    xsSpace: "8px",
    "2xsSpace": "4px",
    "3xsSpace": "2px",

Update the module exports under content:

content: [

Update the vue il8n package to load additional paths

  // you can also change your langPath here
  // langPath: 'locales'
  additionalLangPaths: [
    "vendor/dcodegroup/activity-log/lang", // Load translations from this path too!

Run the npm build (dev/prod)

npm run prod:assets


Most of configuration has been set the fair defaults. However you can review the configuration file at config/activity-log.php and adjust as needed


use Dcodegroup\ActivityLog\Models\ActivityLog;

return [

    | Middleware
    | What middleware should the package apply.

    'middleware' => ['web', 'auth'],

    | Routing
    | Here you can configure the route paths and route name variables.
    | What should the route path for the activity log be
    | eg 'api/generic/activity-logs'
    | What should the route name for the activity log be
    | eg eg 'api.generic.activity-logs',

    'route_path' => env('LARAVEL_ACTIVITY_LOG_ROUTE_PATH', 'activity-logs'),
    'route_name' => env('LARAVEL_ACTIVITY_LOG_ROUTE_NAME', 'activity-logs'),

    | Model and Binding
    | binding - eg 'activity-logs'
    | model - eg 'ActivityLog'

    'binding' => env('LARAVEL_ACTIVITY_LOG_MODEL_BINDING', 'activity-logs'),
    'activity_log_model' => ActivityLog::class,

     | Formatting
     | Configuration here is for display configuration

    'datetime_format' => env('LARAVEL_ACTIVITY_LOG_DATETIME_FORMAT', 'd-m-Y H:ia'),
    'date_format' => env('LARAVEL_ACTIVITY_LOG_DATE_FORMAT', 'd.m.Y'),

     | Pagination
     | Configuration here is for pagination

    'default_filter_pagination' => env('LARAVEL_ACTIVITY_LOG_PAGINATION', 50),

     | User
     | Configuration here is for the user model and table
     | eg 'User'

    'user_relationship' => env('LARAVEL_ACTIVITY_LOG_USER_RELATIONSHIP', 'user'),
    'user_model' => \App\Models\User::class,
    'user_table' => env('LARAVEL_ACTIVITY_LOG_USERS_TABLE', 'users'),

     | Communication log

    'communication_log_model' => \Dcodegroup\ActivityLog\Models\CommunicationLog::class,
    'communication_log_table' => env('LARAVEL_ACTIVITY_LOG_COMMUNICATION_LOG_TABLE', 'communication_logs'),
    'communication_log_relationship' => env('LARAVEL_ACTIVITY_LOG_COMMUNICATION_LOG_RELATIONSHIP', 'communicationLog'),

     | Filter Builder
     | Configuration here is for the filter builder
     | eg 'FilterBuilder class: App\Support\QueryBuilder\Filters\FilterBuilder'

    'filter_builder_path' => env('LARAVEL_ACTIVITY_LOG_FILTER_BUILDER_PATH', ''),

     | Events
     | Configuration here is for the events
     | eg 'open_modal_event' => 'openModal'

    'open_modal_event' => env('LARAVEL_ACTIVITY_LOG_EVENT_OPEN_MODEL', 'openModal'),
    'reload_event' => env('LARAVEL_ACTIVITY_LOG_EVENT_RELOAD', 'getActivities'),
Value Options Description
middleware Include a specification of what middleware this package should include.
layout_path The dot notation path to the resource/view that you would like to use for the Activity Log.
content_section The variable in the view that will contain the output of the Activtity Log.


The package provides an endpoints which you can use. See the full list by running

php artisan route:list --name=activity-log

They are

[example.com/activity-logs] Which is where you will form index. This is by default protected auth middleware but you can modify in the configuration. This is where you want to link to in your admin and possibly a new window

QueryBuilder Filters

Located in


Traits for activity log model

Located in


Using <activity-log-list> or <v-activity-log> to display activity log list. Pass filter as a slot if filter functionality is needed

      <ActivityLogList :model-id="tender.id" :model-class="tenderModel">
        <v-filter entity="activity-logs" class="flex flex-row-reverse space-x-2 space-x-reverse"> </v-filter>


In order to log anything add the following trait to a model you want to log on.

use Dcodegroup\ActivityLog\Support\Traits\ActivityLoggable;

class Order extends Model
    use ActivityLoggable;


Please see CHANGELOG for more information about recent changes.


We believe in the power of collaboration! If you share our passion for pushing the boundaries of business software, feel free to contribute, report issues, or suggest improvements. Your insights make us better.


If you've found an issue related to this package that includes any security concerns; please email security@dcodegroup.com to ensure that we can prioritise the concerns in a confidential manner.


This project is supported & funded by Dcode Group and the team - both past and present. Special mention to:

About Dcode Group

Dcode Group specializes in crafting tailored software solutions utilizing the Laravel framework. Our focus lies in developing business, financial, and process-driven systems designed to support unique business operations. Leveraging packages like this one, we streamline common features/functions across projects, ensuring swift integration of broad functionalities while enhancing overall code base maintenance and management. Find out more about
