
PHP helper library for interaction with the relay-blob-bundle.

v0.2.12 2024-09-23 10:15 UTC


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PHP helper library for interaction with the relay-blob-bundle.


composer require dbp/relay-blob-library


use Dbp\Relay\BlobLibrary\Api\BlobApi;
use Dbp\Relay\BlobLibrary\Api\BlobApiError;

// The blob base url is the url of your API server where the relay-blob-bundle is installed
$blobBaseUrl = 'https://api.your.server';

// See https://github.com/digital-blueprint/relay-blob-bundle#configuration for more information about the blob bucket id and key
$blobBucketId = 'your-bucket-id';
$blobKey = 'your-blob-key';

// Create a new BlobApi instance
$blobApi = new BlobApi($blobBaseUrl, $blobBucketId, $blobKey);

$prefix = 'my-prefix';
$fileName = 'my-file-name.pdf';
$fileData = 'my-binary-file-data';

// oauth specific variables
// replace with your own config

$oauthIDPUrl = 'https://your.oauth.server'; // oauthIDP url including realm
$clientID = 'your-client-id';
$clientSecret = 'your-client-secret';

// if needed, get an OAuth2 token
try {
    $blobApi->setOAuth2Token($oauthIDPUrl, $clientID, $clientSecret);
} catch (BlobApiError $e) {
    // Handle error, print $e->getMessage() for more information

// Upload a file to the blob storage and get the identifier
try {
    $identifier = $blobApi->uploadFile($prefix, $fileName, $fileData);
} catch (BlobApiError $e) {
    // Handle error

// Download a file from the blob storage by identifier and get the content url
try {
    // The content url is a data url and looks for example like this:
    // data:application/pdf;base64,JVBERi0xLjUKJbXtrvsKNCAwIG9iago....= 
    $contentUrl = $blobApi->downloadFileAsContentUrlByIdentifier($identifier);
} catch (BlobApiError $e) {
    // Handle error, print $e->getMessage() for more information

// Delete a file from the blob storage by identifier
try {
} catch (BlobApiError $e) {
    // Handle error, print $e->getMessage() for more information

// Delete all files from the blob storage by prefix
try {
} catch (BlobApiError $e) {
    // Handle error, print $e->getMessage() for more information
  • For more usage examples, see examples
  • For more information about the API, see api.md
  • For information about error codes, see error-codes.md