
Laravel package for M-Lipa payment Gateway

1.1.3 2024-04-17 10:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-17 11:22:21 UTC


You can install the package via composer:

composer require datavisionint/laravel-mlipa

By default logs are allowed, so the logs tables will be required. To publish logs tables, run:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="mlipa-migrations"
php artisan migrate

If you are not using logs, and wish to customise other configurations, publish the configuration using:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="mlipa-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

use DatavisionInt\Mlipa\Models\MlipaCollection;
use DatavisionInt\Mlipa\Models\MlipaPayout;

return [

     * The client key from the mlipa developer portal
    'client_key' => env('MLIPA_CLIENT_KEY'),

     * The client secret from the mlipa developer portal
    'client_secret' => env('MLIPA_CLIENT_SECRET'),

     * Webhook route
     * The route exposed in your application that will be used to receive webhooks
    'webhook_route' => 'mlipa/webhook',

     * Webhook route name
     * The route name used for webhook when using route() method
    'webhook_route_name' => 'mlipa.webhook',

     * Payout route
     * The route exposed in your application that will be used to verify payouts
    'payout_verification_route' => 'mlipa/payouts/verification',

     * Payout route name
     * The route name used for payout verification when using route() method
    'payout_verification_route_name' => 'mlipa.payouts.verification',

     * When set to false errors will be thrown when they occur and you will have to
     * handle them yourself using try catch blocks, and when set to true, the errors
     * will be silently handled and false status will be returned. The error can be found
     * in the logs.
    'handle_errors' => true,

     * When set to true, the transactions will be logged to database, and you will be
     * required to create the table by running the migration
    'log_requests' => true,

     * When set to true, the transactions will be logged to database, and you will be
     * required to create the table by running the migration
    'log_events' => true,

     * The model to be used for payouts, incase you wish to change the model usde or database
     * table name, extend this model and then change the $table property.
    'payout_model' => MlipaPayout::class,

     * The model to be used for collections. Incase you wish to change the model used
     * or database table name, extend this model and then change $table property
    'collection_model' => MlipaCollection::class,

     * The root URL of the M-lipa requests
    'root_url' => '',

     * Endpoints for transactions
    'endpoints' => [

         * Authentication endpoint
         * The endpoint used for requesting the session token
        'authentication' => '/v2/auth/token',

         * PushUSSD endpoint
         * The endpoint used for initiating PushUSSD
        'pushussd' => '/v2/pushussd/create',

         * Billing endpoint
         * The endpoint used for initiating billing transaction
        'billing' => '/v2/billings/create',

         * Payout endpoint
         * The endpoint used for initiating a payout request
        'payout' => '/v2/payouts/create',

         * Collection reconcilliation endpoint
         * The endpoint used for collection reconcilliation
        'collection_reconcilliation' => '/v2/reconciliation/collection',

         * Payout reconcilliation endpoint
         * The endpoint used for payout reconcilliation
        'payout_reconcilliation' => '/v2/reconciliation/payout',

     * Default heades sent to M-Lipa
    'default_headers' => [
         * Accept application/json response from M-Lipa
        'Accept' => 'application/json',

         * The content type we are sending is application/json
        'Content-Type' => 'application/json',


The package uses Oauth2, go to M-Lipa Dashboard, then generate client secret and client key. Then update the variables in your .env file accordingly.



Initiate Push USSD collection

$response = Mlipa::initiatePushUssd(
    amount: 450000,
    msisdn: "255754881199"

Initiate billing collection

$response = Mlipa::initiateBilling(
    amount: 450000,
    msisdn: "255754881199"

Initiate payout

$response = Mlipa::initiatePayout(
    amount: 450000,
    msisdn: "255754881199",
    name: "John Doe"

Reconcile Collection

$response = Mlipa::reconcileCollection(
    reference: "28199122321",

Reconcile Payout

$response = Mlipa::reconcilePayout(
    reference: "28199122321",

Custom verification flow

By default verification will turn true. In order to customise in you service provider's boot method implement a callback that returns true. Otherwise, whether nothing is returned or falsy values, the verification will fail. If you have disabled payout models, then $isTransactionValid will be true by default, if the model is defined, then the reference will be checked against the payout, if it exists, then $isTransactionValid will be true, if doesn't $isTransactionValid will be false.

Mlipa::verifyPayoutUsing(function(string $reference, bool $isTransactionValid): bool{
     // some code to verify the transaction
     return $isTransactionValid;

Webhook Events

You can subscribe to webhook events, and use callbacks by subscribing to events. You can subscribe to events in your EventServiceProvider

protected $listen = [
   BillingFailed::class => [
   BillingSuccess::class => [
   PushUssdFailed::class => [
   PushUssdSuccess::class => [
   PayoutSuccess::class => [
   PayoutFailed::class => [