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PSR-7 CSRF guard

3.1.0 2018-03-20 13:19 UTC

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Last update: 2022-04-15 23:03:42 UTC


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CSRF Guard is a library which helps to protect against CSRF attacks.


Install via composer:

$ composer require dasprid/csrf-guard


CSRF Guard is usable with any library implementing the interop middleware or PSR-15 standard. It comes with some pre-defined factories which utilize the PSR-11 container standard and a config provider which can be used with container implementations like Zend\ServiceManager. If you are using that or a similar container implementation together with Zend\Expressive, you can register your factories by simply having an autoloaded config file looking like this:

return (new DASPRiD\CsrfGuard\ConfigProvider())->__invoke();

Alternatively, you can register the factories manually in your container. After that, you need to have a config entry in your container, which should return a config array. Again, when using Zend\Expressive, it should be enough to copy the example-config.php file from the doc directory to your autoload folder.

The config example contains some sane defaults, yet you need to adjust at least the private_key. You must also adjust the failure_middleware to point to a container key containing the middleware responsible for creating a response when the CSRF validation fails. That middleware could, for instance, display an error page or redirect the user somewhere else.

Finally, you need to add a CSRF token to every POST, PUT or DELETE request you are sending to the server. When you have all factories registered, you can access get the CSRF token through the request object through the key defiend in the config.

Ignoring specific paths

Sometimes you may want to exclude specific paths from CSRF checks, like for instance API methods. To do so, you can specify an unlimited number of path prefixes to exclude from CSRF checks via hte exclude_paths array option. Each request which path does begin with one of the strings listed there will not be treated by the middleware.

This means that paths being matched by that will not receive a CSRF token in their request handlers and no CSRF cookies will be emitted.

Public key providers

As CSRF tokens are always created with both a public and a private key, the public key is, by default, generated for you automatically with a given lifetime. You can supply your own public key provider though, which could, for instance, return user ID as the public key. When your provider returns null instead of a string, the CSRF middleware will fall back to using a cookie. This is useful if you need CSRF tokens for users who aren't authenticated yet.