
Symfony bundle providing a console command to display doctrine entity data.

v0.0.4 2024-12-05 12:10 UTC

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Last update: 2025-02-05 12:36:35 UTC


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This is a Symfony bundle providing a console command designed to render database data for a specified doctrine entity in a tabular format.

The command is highly flexible, allowing developers to configure which fields to display, handle related associations, and apply pagination using options like --limit and --offset.


  • PHP 8.3 or higher
  • Symfony 7.0 or higher

1. Installation

Install danilovl/entity-data-list-console-bundle package by Composer:

 composer require danilovl/entity-data-list-console-bundle
// config/bundles.php

return [
    // ...
    Danilovl\EntityDataListConsoleBundle\EntityDataListConsoleBundle::class => ['all' => true]

2. Command overview

The abstract class EntityDataListCommand provides a base for creating commands that retrieve and display data for doctrine entities.

The OrmEntityDataListCommand is a concrete implementation registered as a Symfony console command under the name:

 php bin/console danilovl:entity-data-list:orm

3. Features

  • Universal data rendering:
    Works with any doctrine entity by providing its class name.
    Retrieves data directly from the database.

  • Field customization:
    Allows you to configure which fields of the entity to display in the output.
    Supports customization of related entity fields (e.g., OneToMany, ManyToOne).

  • Pagination support:
    Includes --limit and --offset options to control the number of records retrieved and the starting point.

  • Formatted output:
    Displays data in a structured table format for easy reading.

  • Date handling:
    Automatically formats datetime and date fields into human-readable strings.

4. Usage

To list the data of a specific entity:

 php bin/console danilovl:entity-data-list:orm App\\Entity\\User

4.1 Options

--entity (required argument):

Specifies the fully qualified class name of the doctrine entity to query (e.g., App\Entity\User).

--limit (optional):

Limits the number of rows retrieved. Default: 10.

--offset (optional):

Skips the specified number of rows before starting the result set. Default: 0.

--associations-ignore (optional):

Specifies associations (e.g., OneToMany, ManyToOne) to ignore during rendering.
Provide a comma-separated list of association field names.
Default: value returned by getAssociationsIgnore().

--associations-limit (optional):

Limits the number of items rendered for associations (e.g., child entities in OneToMany relationships).
Default: value returned by getAssociationsLimit().

Example Commands

 php bin/console danilovl:entity-data-list:orm App\\Entity\\User --limit=100
 php bin/console danilovl:entity-data-list:orm App\\Entity\\User --limit=100 --offset=10
 php bin/console danilovl:entity-data-list:orm App\\Entity\\User --associations-ignore=1
 php bin/console danilovl:entity-data-list:orm App\\Entity\\User --associations-limit=3
 php bin/console danilovl:entity-data-list:orm App\\Entity\\User --limit=100 --offset=10 --associations-ignore=0 --associations-limit=5

5. Extending the command

The EntityDataListCommand provides a flexible foundation for building custom commands tailored to specific doctrine entities.
By extending this base command, you can customize the behavior to suit your application's needs.

Here are the steps to create and extend your own entity data listing command:

namespace App\Command;

use App\Entity\User;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand;

class UserDataListCommand extends EntityDataListCommand
    protected function getEntityClass(): ?string
        return User::class;

    protected function getLimit(): int
        return 20;

    protected function getAssociationsIgnore(): int
        return 1; 

    protected function getFields(ClassMetadata $metadata): array
        return ['id', 'username', 'email', 'createdAt'];

    protected function processRow(object $entity, array $fields, ClassMetadata $metadata): array
        $row = parent::processRow($entity, $fields, $metadata);

        if (isset($row['createdAt'])) {
            $row['createdAt'] = $row['createdAt']->format('Y-m-d');

        return $row;
    // or customize another logic

Run your custom command:

 php bin/console app:user-data-list

5. Gedmo

If your project utilizes the Gedmo\Translatable extension to manage translations for entities, you can leverage the OrmTranslatableEntityDataListCommand class to handle translatable entities in console commands.

This command ensures that the correct translation locale is set before querying data, allowing you to easily render localized data from the database.

5.1 Important note

The default locale is set to en (English).
If your project uses a different default locale (e.g., en, fr), you need to override the getLocale() method in your custom command to set the appropriate default.

protected function getLocale(): string
    return 'en_US'; // Gedmo default locale is en_US

5.2 How to use

Create your custom command class and extend OrmTranslatableEntityDataListCommand.

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App\Command;

use App\Domain\Product\Entity\Product;
use Danilovl\EntityDataListConsoleBundle\Command\OrmTranslatableEntityDataListCommand;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand;

#[AsCommand('danilovl:entity-data-list:product', 'Render the database data of a product entity.')]
class ProductListCommand extends OrmTranslatableEntityDataListCommand
    protected function getEntityClass(): ?string
        return Product::class;

Run your custom command:

 php bin/console danilovl:entity-data-list:product --locale=ru


The EntityDataListConsoleBundle is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.