
Pimcore Dynamic Search Bundle

v4.0.0 2024-04-17 11:33 UTC


Pimcore - Dynamic Search

Dynamic Search Schema

Software License Latest Release Tests PhpStan

Release Plan

Release Supported Pimcore Versions Supported Symfony Versions Release Date Maintained Branch
4.x 11.0 ^6.2 -- Feature Branch master
3.x 11.0 ^6.2 28.09.2023 Bugfixes 3.x
2.x 10.0 - 10.6 ^5.4 19.12.2021 No 2.x
1.x 6.6 - 6.9 ^4.4 18.04.2021 No 1.x


The Dynamic Search Bundle allows you to redefine your search strategy. It's based on several data- and index providers.


There are several data- and index providers available:

Data Provider

Index Provider

  • Lucene Search | Use the php lucene index. Not superfast but comes without any dependencies but php
  • Elasticsearch | Index data with an elasticsearch instance.
  • Open Search | Index data with an open search instance.


"require" : {
    "dachcom-digital/dynamic-search" : "~4.0.0"

Add Bundle to bundles.php:

return [
    DynamicSearchBundle\DynamicSearchBundle::class => ['all' => true],
  • Execute: $ bin/console pimcore:bundle:install DynamicSearchBundle
  • Execute optionally: $ bin/console messenger:setup-transports


  • Execute: $ bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --prefix 'DynamicSearchBundle\Migrations'

Provider Installation

You need at least one data- and one index provider. They have to be installed separately. Please check out install instruction of each provider (see list above).

Add Routes

# config/routes.yaml
    resource: '@DynamicSearchBundle/config/pimcore/routing/frontend_routing.yaml'

Start Queue Worker

$ bin/console messenger:consume dynamic_search_queue

Read more details about the queue worker and the recommended setup here.

Dispatch Dynamic Search

After you've added a definition, you're ready to start the engine. Always use the verbose -v flag, otherwise you won't get any process information about the ongoing data / index providing process.

$ bin/console dynamic-search:run -v

Further Information


Copyright and License

Copyright: DACHCOM.DIGITAL For licensing details please visit LICENSE.md

Upgrade Info

Before updating, please check our upgrade notes!