
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the cvepdb/laravel-menus package instead.

Laravel Menus

2.3.1 2016-10-12 11:02 UTC


Build Status

Official documentation is located here


You can install the through composer command line.

composer require pingpong/menus

After the package installed, add a new service provider to the providers array in config/app.php file.

'providers' => array(

Add new alias for Menu facade to the aliases array at the same file.

'aliases' => array(
    'Menu' => 'Pingpong\Menus\MenuFacade',

Then, publish package's assets by running:

php artisan vendor:publish

Creating A Menu

You can define your menus in app/Support/menus.php file. That file will loaded automatically by this package. To create a menu, simply call the create method from Menu facade. The first parameter is the menu name and the second parameter is callback for defining menu items.

Menu::create('navbar', function($menu)
    // define your menu items here

Since version 2.1.1, you may also create a menu via make method.

Menu::make('navbar', function($menu)
    // define your menu items here

Menu Item As explained before, we can defining menu item in the callback by accessing $menu variable, which the variable is instance of Pingpong\Menus\MenuBuilder class. To defining a plain URL, you can use ->url() method.

Menu::create('navbar', function($menu)
              // URL , Title,  Attributes
    $menu->url('home', 'Home', ['target' => 'blank']);

If you have named route, you define the menu item by calling ->route() method.

Menu::create('navbar', function($menu)
        '', // route name
        'View Profile', // title
        ['id' => 1], // route parameters
        ['target' => 'blank'] // attributes

You can also defining the menu item via array by calling ->add() method.

Menu::create('navbar', function($menu)
        'url' => 'about',
        'title' => 'About',
        'attributes' => [
            'target' => '_blank'

        'route' => ['profile', ['user' => 'gravitano']],
        'title' => 'Visit My Profile',
        'attributes' => [
            'target' => '_blank'

Menu Dropdown To create a dropdown menu, you can call to ->dropdown() method and passing the first parameter by title of dropdown and the second parameter by closure callback that retrive $sub variable. The $sub variable is the the instance of Pingpong\Menus\MenuItem class.

Menu::create('navbar', function($menu)
    $menu->url('/', 'Home');
    $menu->dropdown('Settings', function ($sub) {
        $sub->url('settings/account', 'Account');
        $sub->url('settings/password', 'Password');
        $sub->url('settings/design', 'Design');

Menu Dropdown Multi Level You can also create a dropdown inside dropdown by using ->dropdown() method. This will allow to to create a multilevel menu items.

Menu::create('navbar', function($menu)
    $menu->url('/', 'Home');
    $menu->dropdown('Account', function ($sub) {
        $sub->url('profile', 'Visit My Profile');
        $sub->dropdown('Settings', function ($sub) {
            $sub->url('settings/account', 'Account');
            $sub->url('settings/password', 'Password');
            $sub->url('settings/design', 'Design');
        $sub->url('logout', 'Logout');

Menu Divider You may also define a divider for each menu item. You can divide between menu item by using ->divider() method.

Menu::create('navbar', function($menu)
    $menu->url('/', 'Home');
    $menu->url('profile', 'Profile')

Dropdown Header You may also add a dropdown header for the specified menu item by using ->header() method.

Menu::create('navbar', function($menu)
    $menu->url('/', 'Home')
    $menu->dropdown('Settings', function ($sub) {
        $sub->url('/settings/design', 'Design');
        $sub->url('logout', 'Logout');

Ordering Menu Item You may order the menu by specify order parameter.

Menu::create('navbar', function($menu)
    // url, title, order, attributes
    $menu->url('/', 'Home', 1);
    // url, title, route parameters, order, attributes
    $menu->route('/', 'About', ['user' => '1'], 2);
    // title, order, callback attributes
    $menu->dropdown('Settings', function ($sub) {
        $sub->url('/settings/design', 'Design');
        $sub->url('logout', 'Logout');
    }, 3);

You may also set the order value by calling ->order method.

Menu::create('navbar', function($menu)
    $menu->url('/', 'Home', ['icon' => 'fa fa-dashboard'])->order(1);

    $menu->route('/', 'About', ['user' => '1'], ['icon' => 'fa fa-user'])->order(2);

    $menu->dropdown('Settings', function ($sub) {
        $sub->url('/settings/design', 'Design');
        $sub->url('logout', 'Logout');

By default ordering feature is disabled. You can enable the ordering feature in your config file. Just update value of ordering config to true and now your menu will ordered by order key. // File: config/menus.php

return [
    'ordering' => true

You may also enable or disable menu ordering for each menu via ->enableOrdering and ->disableOrdering method.

Menu::create('navbar', function($menu)
    // disable menu ordering

    // disable menu ordering

Make Lots of menu You can also create a lots of menu with different name and menu items.

Menu::create('menu1', function($menu)

    $menu->route('home', 'Home');

    $menu->url('profile', 'Profile');

Menu::create('menu2', function($menu)
    $menu->route('home', 'Home');

    $menu->url('profile', 'Profile');

Menu Presenter

This package included with some presenter classes that used for converting menu to html tag. By default the generated menu style is bootstrap navbar. But, there are also several different menu styles. You can apply the menu style via ->style() method.

Menu::create('navbar', function($menu)

Or you can set which presenter to present the menu style via ->setPresenter() method.

Menu::create('navbar', function($menu)

You can also set which style of presenter when you rendering a menu.

Menu::render('navbar', 'navbar-right');

Menu::render('navbar', 'Pingpong\Menus\Presenters\Bootstrap\NavPillsPresenter');

The List of Available Menu Presenter Class

Name            Presenter Class
navbar          Pingpong\Menus\Presenters\Bootstrap\NavbarPresenter
navbar-right    Pingpong\Menus\Presenters\Bootstrap\NavbarRightPresenter
nav-pills       Pingpong\Menus\Presenters\Bootstrap\NavPillsPresenter
nav-tab         Pingpong\Menus\Presenters\Bootstrap\NavTabPresenter
sidebar         Pingpong\Menus\Presenters\Bootstrap\SidebarMenuPresenter
navmenu         Pingpong\Menus\Presenters\Bootstrap\NavMenuPresenter

Make A Costum Presenter

You can create your own presenter class. Make sure your presenter is extends to Pingpong\Menus\Presenters\Presenter and implements to 'Pingpong\Menus\Presenters\PresenterInterface'. For example, this is zurb-top-bar presenter.

use Pingpong\Menus\Presenters\Presenter;

class ZurbTopBarPresenter extends Presenter
     * {@inheritdoc }
    public function getOpenTagWrapper()
        return  PHP_EOL . '<section class="top-bar-section">' . PHP_EOL;

     * {@inheritdoc }
    public function getCloseTagWrapper()
        return  PHP_EOL . '</section>' . PHP_EOL;

     * {@inheritdoc }
    public function getMenuWithoutDropdownWrapper($item)
        return '<li'.$this->getActiveState($item).'><a href="'. $item->getUrl() .'">'.$item->getIcon().' '.$item->title.'</a></li>';

     * {@inheritdoc }
    public function getActiveState($item)
        return \Request::is($item->getRequest()) ? ' class="active"' : null;

     * {@inheritdoc }
    public function getDividerWrapper()
        return '<li class="divider"></li>';

     * {@inheritdoc }
    public function getMenuWithDropDownWrapper($item)
        return '<li class="has-dropdown">
                <a href="#">
                 '.$item->getIcon().' '.$item->title.'
                <ul class="dropdown">
              </li>' . PHP_EOL;

To use this costum presenter, you can use the setPresenter method.

Menu::create('zurb-top-bar', function($menu)

Register A New Menu Style Menu style is like an alias to a presenter. You can register your style from your costum presenter in the configuration file in config/menus.php.

return array(
    'navbar'        =>  'Pingpong\Menus\Presenters\Bootstrap\NavbarPresenter',
    'navbar-right'  =>  'Pingpong\Menus\Presenters\Bootstrap\NavbarRightPresenter',
    'nav-pills'     =>  'Pingpong\Menus\Presenters\Bootstrap\NavPillsPresenter',
    'nav-tab'       =>  'Pingpong\Menus\Presenters\Bootstrap\NavTabPresenter',

    'zurb-top-bar'  =>  'ZurbTopBarPresenter',

Now, you can use a style like this.

Menu::create('zurb-top-bar', function($menu)

View Presenter

If you don't like to use presenter class, you use view presenter instead. We can set which view to present the menus by calling ->setView() method.

Menu::create('navbar', function($menu)

The List of Available View Presenter

View Name                   Menu Style
menus::default              Bootstrap Navbar (default)
menus::navbar-left          Bootstrap Navbar Left
menus::navbar-right         Bootstrap Navbar Right
menus::nav-tabs             Bootstrap Nav Tabs
menus::nav-tabs-justified   Bootstrap Nav Tabs Justified
menus::nav-pills            Bootstrap Nav Pills
menus::nav-pills-stacked    Bootstrap Nav Pills Stacked
menus::nav-pills-justified  Bootstrap Nav Pills Justified
menus::menu                 Plain Menu
Rendering                   Menu

To render the menu you can use render or get method.



You can also set which style to present the menu in the second parameter.

Menu::render('navbar', 'navbar-right');

Or you may also set which view to present the menu.

Menu::render('navbar', 'menus::nav-tabs');

The Menu Instance

Sometimes, maybe we need to add a new additional menu from controller or other place. To get an instance of an existing menu, you can use the instance method.

$menu = Menu::instance('zurb-top-bar');

// You can also make additions to the menu again

$menu->add(['title' => 'Settings', 'route' => 'settings']);

$menu->url('profile', 'Profile');

$menu->route('settings', 'Settings');

Finding Menu Item

To find menu item, you can use findBy method from Pingpong\Menus\MenuBuilder class.

$menu = Menu::instance('sidebar');

$menu->url('profile', 'Profile');

$menuItem = $menu->findBy('title', 'Profile');

// add child menu

$menuItem->url('foo', 'Foo');

You may also use whereTitle helper method to find a specific menu item. Also, you can add other child menu item in the callback that located in the second argument in whereTitle method.

$menu = Menu::instance('sidebar');

$menu->url('profile', 'Profile');

$menu->whereTitle('Profile', function ($sub)
    $sub->url('foo', 'Foo');

// add childs menu Modifying Menu

After we create a menu, maybe we need to add other additional menus. You may modifying menu via ->modify method.

Menu::modify('navbar', function($menu)
        'title' => 'Foo',
        'url' => 'bar',