
API Client provides a modular way to consume API's for Laravel.

v3.0.0 2024-02-06 01:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-06 03:51:55 UTC


This package defines contracts and provides abstract partial implementations of those contracts. It is meant to be used as a base building block for your own highly modular and customisable implementation of API consumption. Feel free to use as little or as much of it as you need.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require cubesystems/api-client


To use Laravel Debugbar integration, enable it within debugbar.php config file:

return [
    'collectors' => [
        'api' => true

Creating custom API client implementation

First of all, let's define some vocabulary.


Method vs service vs endpoint Methods, services and endpoints


Method vs service vs endpoint Methods, services and endpoints

After this, we can look at the relations between all interfaces:

Interfaces Relationship between main interfaces

Define an endpoint

For this, we need to implement CubeSystems\ApiClient\Client\Contracts\Endpoint contract which can be done by extending CubeSystems\ApiClient\Client\AbstractRestEndpoint or CubeSystems\ApiClient\Client\AbstractSoapEndpoint class:

use CubeSystems\ApiClient\Client\AbstractSoapEndpoint;

class MyEndpoint extends AbstractSoapEndpoint {}

Define a service accessible within an endpoint

For this, we need to implement CubeSystems\ApiClient\Client\Contracts\Service contract which can be done by extending CubeSystems\ApiClient\Client\AbstractRestService or CubeSystems\ApiClient\Client\AbstractSoapService class:

use CubeSystems\ApiClient\Client\AbstractSoapService;

class MyService extends AbstractSoapService
    protected const SERVICE_PATH = 'path/to/service';

Create a request payload class

This can be done by implementing CubeSystems\ApiClient\Client\Contracts\Payload contract directly or by extending CubeSystems\ApiClient\Client\Payloads\AbstractPayload class:

use CubeSystems\ApiClient\Client\Payloads\AbstractPayload;

class MyPayload extends AbstractPayload
    private string $parameter;

    public function setId(string $id): MyPayload
        $this->id = $id;

        return $this;

    public function toArray(): array
        return [
            'id' => $this->id

    public function getCacheKey(): string
        return self::class . $this->id;

Create a response class

This can be done by implementing CubeSystems\ApiClient\Client\Contracts\Response contract directly or by extending CubeSystems\ApiClient\Client\Responses\AbstractResponse class:

use CubeSystems\ApiClient\Client\Responses\AbstractResponse;

class MyResponse extends AbstractResponse
    private MyDto $myDto;

    public function getMyDto(): MyDto
        return $this->myDto;

    public function setMyDto(MyDto $myDto): MyResponse
        $this->myDto = $myDto;

        return $this;

Create a method for a service

CubeSystems\ApiClient\Client\Contracts\Method is implemented by CubeSystems\ApiClient\Client\Methods\AbstractRestMethod and CubeSystems\ApiClient\Client\Methods\AbstractSoapMethod classes.

use CubeSystems\ApiClient\Client\Methods\AbstractSoapMethod;
use CubeSystems\ApiClient\Client\Plugs\PlugManager;
use CubeSystems\ApiClient\Client\Strategies\NeverCacheStrategy;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;

class MyMethod extends AbstractSoapMethod
    protected const METHOD_NAME = 'MyMethod';

    public function __construct(
        MyService $service,
        NeverCacheStrategy $cacheStrategy,
        PlugManager $plugManager,
    ) {
        parent::__construct($service, $cacheStrategy, $plugManager);
    protected function toResponse(array $rawResponse, int $httpCode): MyResponse
        $response = new MyResponse();
        $myDto = new MyDto();
        $myDto->setName(Arr::get($rawResponse, 'name'));
        $myDto->setAge((int) Arr::get($rawResponse, 'age'));
        return $response;

Calling an API

After all that, you can make calls like this:

use Foo\Endpoints\MyEndpoint;
use Foo\Services\MyService;
use Foo\Methods\MyMethod;
use Foo\Payloads\MyPayload;

class MyRepository
    public function getMyDtoById(string $id): MyDto
        $myEndpoint = new MyEndpoint(config('api-client.endpoints.myEndpoint.url'));
        $myService = new MyService($myEndpoint, collect(), collect(), new ApiClient());
        $myMethod = new MyMethod($myService, new NeverCacheStrategy());
        $myPayload = new MyPayload();
        return $myMethod->call($myPayload)->getMyDto();

Or take advantage of dependency injection done by Laravel.

Extend CubeSystems\ApiClient\ApiClientServiceProvider class and register your bindings:

public function register(): void
    $this->app->singleton(MyEndpoint::class, function (Application $app) {
        $url = config('api-client.endpoints.myEndpoint.url');

        return new MyEndpoint($url);

Now the same thing can be done more concisely:

use Foo\Methods\MyMethod;
use Foo\Payloads\MyPayload;

class MyRepository
    public function getMyDtoById(string $id): MyDto
        $myMethod = app(MyMethod::class);
        $myPayload = new MyPayload();
        return $myMethod->call($myPayload)->getMyDto();

Take a look at tests for more detailed examples.


AbstractMethod class includes a caching mechanism. Just pass desired cache strategy to the constructor. There are 3 strategies available:

  • CubeSystems\ApiClient\Client\Cache\NeverCacheStrategy - never cache the response
  • CubeSystems\ApiClient\Client\Cache\RequestCacheStrategy - cache the response for the duration of the request
  • CubeSystems\ApiClient\Client\Cache\TimeIntervalCacheStrategy - cache the response for a given time interval

You can also create your own strategy by implementing CubeSystems\ApiClient\Client\Contracts\CacheStrategy contract.

CubeSystems\ApiClient\Client\Contracts\Payload::getCacheKey() method is used to decide if there are valid cache entries for a given payload. If there are, the response is retrieved from cache. Otherwise, the remote API is called.

Hierarchical caching

If payload returns true from isUsingCacheHierarchy method, then corresponding call will be made part of the cache hierarchy. This allows to invalidate all cache entries for given hierarchy at once by calling AbstractMethod's removeHierarchyFromCache method.

For this to work, CubeSystems\ApiClient\Client\Contracts\Payload::getCacheHierarchyKey method must be implemented according to your needs.

Moreover, AbstractPayload now accepts optional CachePrefix parameter which can be used to differentiate between cache hierarchies for the same type of method and payload. Typical use case would be to distinguish between different users' cache hierarchies.

There is more


CubeSystems\ApiClient\Client\Methods\AbstractMethod class fires the following events:

  • CubeSystems\ApiClient\Events\ApiCalled - after a remote API is called
  • CubeSystems\ApiClient\Events\ResponseRetrievedFromCache - after response is retrieved from cache without calling a remote API

You can listen to those and do some additional stuff like logging.

Laravel Debugbar integration

If debugbar.collectors.api configuration option is set to true as described above, all API calls (and cache retrievals) will be visible within Laravel Debugbar:

Debugbar integration Debugbar integration


This package uses Pest testing framework. You can run tests with

composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.