
Zammad integration with Laravel

v12.1.0 2025-03-11 11:36 UTC


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This package was developed to give you a quick start to communicate with the Zammad REST API. It is used to query the most common endpoints.

⚠️ This package is not designed as a replacement of the official Zammad REST API. See the documentation if you need further functionality. ⚠️

💡 What is Zammad?

Zammad is a web-based open source helpdesk/customer support system with many features to manage customer communication.

🛠 Requirements

Package PHP Laravel Zammad
v12.0 ^8.2 - ^8.4 Laravel 12.0
v11.0 ^8.2 - ^8.3 Laravel 11.0
v3.0 8.2 Laravel 10.0
v2.0 8.1 Laravel 9.0
v1.0 8.0 Laravel 8.12

⚙️ Installation

You can install the package via composer:

composer require codebar-ag/laravel-zammad

Add the following environment variables to your .env file:


🔑 Where can I find the token?

Go to your profile page in your Zammad application. In the tab Token Access you can create your token. Be sure to activate all rights you need.

👉 Make sure to activate HTTP Token Authentication in your system settings.

📝 How to add dynamic ticket attributes?

  • Publish your configuration file (see chapter 🔧 Configuration file).
  • Add attributes to the ticket key:
'ticket' => [
    'note' => 'string',
    'additional_id' => 'integer',

🏗 Usage

👶 User Resource

use CodebarAg\Zammad\Facades\Zammad;
 * Get the current authenticated user.
$user = Zammad::user()->me();
 * Show a list of users.
$users = Zammad::user()->list();
 * Search a single user.
$term = '';
$user = Zammad::user()->search($term);
 * Show a user by id.
$user = Zammad::user()->show(20);
 * Create a new user.
$data = [
    'firstname' => 'Max',
    'lastname' => 'Mustermann',
        'email' => '',

$user = (new Zammad())->user()->create($data);
 * Update a existing user.
$data = [
    'firstname' => 'Max',
    'lastname' => 'Mustermann',

$user = (new Zammad())->user()->update($id, $data);
 * Delete a user by id.
(new Zammad())->user()->delete(20);
 * Search a user by email. If not found create a new user.
$user = (new Zammad())->user()->searchOrCreateByEmail('');
 * Search a user by email. If not found create a new user with custom $data
$data = [
    'firstname' => 'Max',
    'lastname' => 'Mustermann',
    'email' => '',

$user = (new Zammad())->user()->searchOrCreateByEmail('', $data);

🎫 Ticket Resource

use CodebarAg\Zammad\Facades\Zammad;
 * Show a list of tickets.
$tickets = Zammad::ticket()->list();
 * Search tickets which include following term.
$term = 'Max Mustermann';
$tickets = Zammad::ticket()->search($term);
 * Show a ticket by id (empty comments).
$ticket = Zammad::ticket()->show(20);
 * Show a ticket by id with comments.
$ticket = Zammad::ticket()->showWithComments(20);
 * Create a new ticket.
$data = [
    'title' => 'The application is not working',
    'group' => 'Inbox',
    'customer_id' => 20,
    // 'customer' => 'bob@domain.test', // or use the customer e-mail address
    'article' => [
        'body' => 'It just crashes if I visit the page',
        'attachments' => [
                'filename' => 'log.txt',
                'data' => 'V2FzdGUgbm8gbW9yZSB0aW1lIGFyZ3Vpbmcgd2hhdCBhIGdvb2QgbWFuIHNob3VsZCBiZSwgYmUgb25l',
                'mime-type' => 'text/plain'

$ticket = (new Zammad())->ticket()->create($data);
 * Delete a ticket by id.
(new Zammad())->user()->delete(20);

💬 Comment Resource

use CodebarAg\Zammad\Facades\Zammad;
 * Show comments by ticket id
$comments = Zammad::comment()->showByTicket(20);
 * Show a comment by id.
$comment = Zammad::comment()->show(20);
 * Create a new comment.
$data = [
    'ticket_id' => 42,
    'subject' => 'Login still not working',
    'body' => 'Somehow the login is not working<br>Could you check that?',
    'content_type' => 'text/html',
    'attachments' => [
            'filename' => 'log.txt',
            'data' => 'WW91IGFyZSBhIPCfjoEgZm9yIHRoZSDwn4yN',
            'mime-type' => 'text/plain',

$comment = (new Zammad())->comment()->create($data);
 * Delete a comment by id.
(new Zammad())->comment()->delete(20);

🏠 Object Resource

use CodebarAg\Zammad\Facades\Zammad;
 * Show a list of objects.
$objects = Zammad::object()->list();
 * Create a object
 $data = [
    'title' => 'sample_boolean',
    'object' => 'Ticket',
    'display' => 'Sample Boolean',
    'active' => true,
    'position' => 1500,
    'data_type' => 'select',
    'data_option' => [
        'options' => [
            'key-one' => 'First Key',
            'key-two' => 'Second Key',
            'key-three' => 'Third Key',
        'default' => 'key-one'

$object = Zammad::object()->create($data);
 * Update a object
$object = Zammad::object()->update($id, $data);
 * Show a object by id.
$object = Zammad::object()->show(20);
 * Execute database migrations
(new Zammad())->object()->executeMigrations();

🧷 Attachment Resource

use CodebarAg\Zammad\Facades\Zammad;
 * Download attachment.
$content = Zammad::attachment()->download(
    ticketId: 32,
    commentId: 111,
    attachmentId: 42,

Expanding response payloads

You can use the expand() method to expand the response with additional data.

See documentation on this in the Zammad API Docs.

$ticket = Zammad::ticket()->expand()->show(20);
$user = Zammad::user()->expand()->show(20);
$me = Zammad::user()->expand()->me();

Limit search response payloads

You can use the limit(int $limit = 1) method to expand the response with additional data.

See documentation on this in the Zammad API Docs.

$ticket = Zammad::ticket()->limit(1)->search();
$user = Zammad::user()->limit(1)->search();

Paginate list response payloads

You can use the perPage(int $perPage) and page(int $page) methods to set the page and per page values for the response Alternatively you can use the paginate(int $page, int $perPage): method to set both at once.

See documentation on this in the Zammad API Docs.

$ticket = Zammad::ticket()->perPage(1)->page(1)->list();
$user = Zammad::user()->perPage(1)->page(1)->list();

$ticket = Zammad::ticket()->paginate(1, 1)->list();
$user = Zammad::user()->paginate(1, 1)->list();

🏋️ DTO showcase

CodebarAg\Zammad\DTO\User {
  +id: 20                       // int
  +first_name: "Max"            // string
  +last_name: "Mustermann"       // string
  +login: ""     // string
  +email: ""     // string
  +last_login_at: Carbon\Carbon // Carbon
  +updated_at: Carbon\Carbon    // Carbon
  +created_at: Carbon\Carbon    // Carbon
CodebarAg\Zammad\DTO\Ticket {
  +id: 32                                  // int
  +number: 69032                           // int
  +customer_id: 20                         // int
  +group_id: 3                             // int
  +state_id: 1                             // int
  +subject: "Login is not working"         // string
  +comments_count: 3                       // int
  +updated_at: Carbon\Carbon               // Carbon
  +created_at: Carbon\Carbon               // Carbon
  +comments: Illuminate\Support\Collection // Collection|Comment[]
CodebarAg\Zammad\DTO\Comment {
  +id: 66                                       // int
  +type_id: 10                                  // int
  +ticket_id: 32                                // int
  +sender_id: 2                                 // int
  +sender: "Customer"                           // string
  +subject: "App Subject"                       // string
  +body: "We have fixed your issue! Have a great day<br><span class=\"js-signatureMarker\"></span><blockquote type=\"cite\"><div>It is not working</div></blockquote>"
  +body_without_blockquote: "We have fixed your issue! Have a great day<br>"
  +body_only_blockquote: "<blockquote type=\"cite\"><div>It is not working</div></blockquote>"
  +content_type: "text/plain"                   // string
  +from: "Max Mustermann"                        // string
  +to: null                                     // ?string
  +internal: false                              // boolean
  +created_by_id: 20                            // int
  +updated_by_id: 20                            // int
  +origin_by_id: 4                              // ?int
  +attachments: Illuminate\Support\Collection   // Collection|Attachment[]
  +updated_at: Carbon\Carbon                    // Carbon
  +created_at: Carbon\Carbon                    // Carbon
CodebarAg\Zammad\DTO\Attachment {
  +id: 313              // int
  +size: 30             // int
  +name: "log.txt"      // string
  +type: "text/plain"   // string
CodebarAg\Zammad\DTO\ObjectAttribute {
  +id: 313                      // int
  +name: "sample_object"        // string
  +object_lookup_id: 2          // int
  +display: "Sample Object"     // string
  +data_type: "select"          // string
  +position: 1500               // int
  +data_option: []              // array
  +data_option_new: []          // ?array

🔧 Configuration file

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="zammad-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:


return [

    | Zammad URL
    | This URL is used to properly communicate with the Zammad REST-API for
    | every request that is made. Please make sure to include the scheme
    | and the hostname in it. Otherwise we can't find the destination.

    'url' => env('ZAMMAD_URL'),

    | Zammad Access Token
    | The access token is used to authenticate with the Zammad REST-API. You
    | should make sure to activate the "HTTP Token Authentication" in the
    | configuration. Afterwards generate a token in your settings page.

    'token' => env('ZAMMAD_TOKEN'),

     | HTTP Retry Values
     | If you would like HTTP client to automatically retry the request if a client or server error occurs,
     | you may specify the retry values. The maximum retry value specifies the number of times the request should be attempted,
     | and the retry delay value is the number of milliseconds Laravel should wait between attempts.

    'http_retry_maximum' => env('ZAMMAD_HTTP_RETRY_MAXIMUM', 3),
    'http_retry_delay' => env('ZAMMAD_HTTP_RETRY_DELAY', 1500),

    | Object reference error on delete request
    | Please note that removing data cannot be undone. Zammad will also remove references - thus potentially tickets!
    | Removing data with references in e.g. activity streams is not possible via API - this will be indicated by "error":
    | "Can't delete, object has references." (Status 422). This is not a bug.
    | Consider using Data Privacy via UI for more control instead.

    'object_reference_error_ignore' => env('ZAMMAD_OBJECT_REFERENCE_ERROR_IGNORE', false),
    'objet_reference_error' => env('ZAMMAD_OBJECT_REFERENCE_ERROR', 'Can&#39;t delete, object has references.'),

    | Comment Object HTML Parsing

    'filter_images' => true,
    'filter_tables' => true,
    'filter_signature_marker' => true,
    'filter_signature_marker_value' => '<span class="js-signatureMarker"></span>',
    'filter_data_signature' => true,
    'filter_data_signature_value' => '<div data-signature="true" data-signature-id="1">',

    | Dynamic Ticket Attributes with Casts
    | You should define a list of all your dynamic ticket attributes here to
    | ensure that they are correctly converted into the native types. The
    | only limitation you have is to include following supported types.
    | Supported: "string", "integer", "float", "boolean", "datetime"

    'ticket' => [
        // 'note' => 'string',
    | Ticket States
    | The ticket states are used to determine if a ticket is open, closed,
    | active or inactive. You can use this information to filter tickets
    | by their state. The following states are supported by default.

    'ticket_states' => [
        'open' => [1, 2, 3, 7],
        'closed' => [4],
        'active' => [1, 2, 3, 4, 7],
        'inactive' => [5, 6],


🚧 Testing

Copy your own phpunit.xml-file.

cp phpunit.xml.dist phpunit.xml

Modify environment variables in the phpunit.xml-file:

<env name="ZAMMAD_URL" value=""/>
<env name="ZAMMAD_TOKEN" value="token"/>

Run the tests:


📝 Changelog

Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.

✏️ Contributing

Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

composer test

Code Style


🧑‍💻 Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.

🙏 Credits

🎭 License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.