
Twilio Verify integration with Laravel

v12.0.1 2025-03-05 01:37 UTC


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This package was developed to give you a quick start to communicate with the Twilio Verify service.

⚠️ This package is not designed as a replacement of the official Twilio REST API. See the documentation if you need further functionality. ⚠️

💡 What is Twilio Verify?

An elegant third-party integration to validate users with SMS, Voice, Email and Push. Add verification to any step of your user‘s journey with a single API.

🛠 Requirements

Package PHP Laravel
v12.0.0 ^8.2 - ^8.4 12.x
v11.0.0 ^8.2 - ^8.3 11.x
^8.0 ...
  • PHP: ^8.0
  • Laravel: ^8.12
  • Twilio Account

⚙️ Installation

You can install the package via composer:

composer require codebar-ag/laravel-twilio-verify

Add the following environment variables to your .env file:


🏗 Usage

use CodebarAg\TwilioVerify\Facades\TwilioVerify;

 * Start a new SMS verification to the phone number.
$verificationStart = TwilioVerify::start(to: '+12085059915');

 * Check a verification code.
$verificationCheck = TwilioVerify::check(to: '+12085059915', code: '1337');

🔢 Verification Code Limits

🏋️ DTO showcase

CodebarAg\TwilioVerify\DTO\SendCodeAttempt {
  +time: Illuminate\Support\Carbon                      // Carbon
  +channel: "sms"                                       // string
  +attempt_sid: "VLMn1NOnmIVWMITO4FbVGxNmEMJ72KKaB2"    // string
CodebarAg\TwilioVerify\DTO\Lookup {
  +carrier: CodebarAg\TwilioVerify\DTO\Carrier {
    +error_code: null           // ?string
    +name: "Carrier Name"       // string
    +mobile_country_code: "310" // string
    +mobile_network_code: "150" // string
    +type: "150"                // string
  +sid: "VEkEJNNkLugY4hietPDbcqUUZz3G5NoTTZ"            // string
  +service_sid: "VAssMsB84NdN0aJJceYsExX1223qAmrubx"    // string
  +account_sid: "ACizUsoInA3dbKR5LA9tOqqA0O3NFSHSNc"    // string
  +to: "+41795555825"                                   // string
  +channel: "sms"                                       // string
  +status: "pending"                                    // string
  +valid: false                                         // bool
  +created_at: Illuminate\Support\Carbon                // Carbon
  +updated_at: Illuminate\Support\Carbon                // Carbon
  +lookup: CodebarAg\TwilioVerify\DTO\Lookup {...}      // Lookup
  +send_code_attempts: Illuminate\Support\Collection {  // Collection
      0 => CodebarAg\TwilioVerify\DTO\SendCodeAttempt {
        +time: Illuminate\Support\Carbon                    // Carbon
        +channel: "sms"                                     // string
        +attempt_sid: "VLTvj9jhh76cI78Hc1x0c3UORWJwwqVeTN"  // string
  +url: "" // string
CodebarAg\TwilioVerify\DTO\VerificationCheck {
  +sid: "VEvRzh4hPUqmAjeC6li092VNT0yfd23lag"            // string
  +service_sid: "VAxSR0Wq91djjG9PAYtrtjt11f0I4lqdwa"    // string
  +account_sid: "ACcI5zbEYvLr0vPIUTQzWkTpP5DPqTCYDK"    // string
  +to: "+41795555825"                                   // string
  +channel: "sms"                                       // string
  +status: "approved"                                   // string
  +valid: true                                          // bool
  +created_at: Illuminate\Support\Carbon                // Carbon
  +updated_at: Illuminate\Support\Carbon                // Carbon

🔧 Configuration file

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="CodebarAg\TwilioVerify\TwilioVerifyServiceProvider" --tag="laravel-twilio-verify-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [

    | Twilio Verify Configuration
    | You can find your Account SID and Auth Token in the Console Dashboard.
    | Additionally you should create a new Verify service and paste it in
    | here. Afterwards you are ready to communicate with Twilio Verify.

    'url' => env('TWILIO_URL', ''),


✨ Events

Following events are fired:

use CodebarAg\TwilioVerify\Events\TwilioVerifyResponseLog;

// Log each response from the Twilio REST API.
TwilioVerifyResponseLog::class => [

🚧 Testing

Copy your own phpunit.xml-file.

cp phpunit.xml.dist phpunit.xml

Modify environment variables in the phpunit.xml-file:


Run the tests:

composer test

📝 Changelog

Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.

✏️ Contributing

Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

🧑‍💻 Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.

🙏 Credits


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.