
Flatfox integration with Laravel

v12.0.1 2025-03-05 01:24 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 01:24:49 UTC


Latest Version on Packagist Total Downloads GitHub-Tests GitHub Code Style PHPStan Dependency Review

This package was developed to give you a quick start to receive public listings from the Flatfox API.

πŸ’‘ What is Flatfox?

Flatfox is a web-based portal where you can Search & advertise apartments for free.

πŸ›  Requirements

Package PHP Laravel Flatfox
v12.0.0 ^8.2 - ^8.4 12.x βœ…
v11.0.0 ^8.2 11.x βœ…
v1.0.0 ^8.2 10.x βœ…

βš™οΈ Installation

You can install the package via composer:

composer require codebar-ag/laravel-flatfox


    $request = new GetPublicListing(identifier: 142);
    $response = $request->send();
    $status = $request->status();
    $dto = $request->dto(); 

πŸ‹οΈ DTO showcase

CodebarAg\Flatfox\DTO\Listing {
  +pk: int|null
  +slug: string|null
  +url: array|null
  +short_url: string|null
  +submit_url: array|null
  +status: string|null
  +offer_type: string|null
  +object_category: string|null
  +object_type: string|null
  +reference: string|null
  +ref_property: string|null
  +ref_house: string|null
  +ref_object: string|null
  +alternative_reference: string|null
  +price_display: int|null
  +price_display_type: string|null
  +price_unit: string|null
  +rent_net: int|null
  +rent_charges: int|null
  +rent_gross: int|null
  +short_title: string|null
  +public_title: string|null
  +pitch_title: string|null
  +description_title: string|null
  +description: string|null
  +surface_living: int|null
  +surface_property: int|null
  +surface_usable: int|null
  +surface_usable_minimum: int|null
  +volume: int|null
  +space_display: int|null
  +number_of_rooms: string|null
  +floor: int|null
  +attributes: Collection DTO/Attribute|null
  +is_furnished: boolean|null
  +is_temporary: boolean|null
  +is_selling_furniture: boolean|null
  +street: string|null
  +zipcode: int|null
  +city: string|null
  +public_address: string|null
  +latitude: float|null
  +longitude: float|null
  +year_built: int|null
  +year_renovated: int|null
  +moving_date_type: string|null
  +moving_date: Carbon|null
  +video_url: string|null
  +tour_url: string|null
  +website_url: string|null
  +live_viewing_url: string|null
  +cover_image: int|null
  +images: Collection DTO/Image|null
  +documents: Collection DTO/Documenent|null
  +agency: DTO/Agency|null
  +reserved: boolean|null
  +livingspace: boolean|null
  +published: Carbon|null
  +created: Carbon|null
CodebarAg\Flatfox\DTO\Attribute {
  +name: string|null
  +name_2: string|null
  +street: string|null
  +zipcode: string|null
  +city: string|null
  +country: string|null
  +logo_url: string|null
  +logo_url_org_logo_m: string|null
CodebarAg\Flatfox\DTO\Agency {
  +name: string|null
CodebarAg\Flatfox\DTO\Image {
  +pk: int|null
  +caption: string|null
  +url: string|null
  +url_thumb_m: string|null
  +url_listing_search: string|null
  +search_url: string|null
  +ordering:  int|null
  +width: int|null
  +height: int|null
CodebarAg\Flatfox\DTO\Document {
  +pk: int|null
  +url: string|null
  +ordering:  int|null
  +caption: sting|null

🚧 Testing

Copy your own phpunit.xml-file.

cp phpunit.xml.dist phpunit.xml

Run the tests:


πŸ“ Changelog

Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.

✏️ Contributing

Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

composer test

Code Style


πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.

πŸ™ Credits

🎭 License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.