codebar-ag / laravel-flatfox
Flatfox integration with Laravel
2025-03-05 01:24 UTC
- php: 8.2.*|8.3.*|8.4.*
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^7.8
- illuminate/contracts: ^12.0
- saloonphp/cache-plugin: ^3.0
- saloonphp/laravel-plugin: ^3.5
- saloonphp/saloon: ^3.10.1
- spatie/laravel-package-tools: ^1.19
Requires (Dev)
- larastan/larastan: ^v3.1
- laravel/pint: ^1.21
- orchestra/testbench: ^10.0
- pestphp/pest: ^3.7
- phpstan/extension-installer: ^1.4
- phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: ^2.0
- phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: ^2.0
- spatie/laravel-ray: ^1.39
This package was developed to give you a quick start to receive public listings from the Flatfox API.
π‘ What is Flatfox?
Flatfox is a web-based portal where you can Search & advertise apartments for free.
π Requirements
Package | PHP | Laravel | Flatfox |
v12.0.0 | ^8.2 - ^8.4 | 12.x | β |
v11.0.0 | ^8.2 | 11.x | β |
v1.0.0 | ^8.2 | 10.x | β |
βοΈ Installation
You can install the package via composer:
composer require codebar-ag/laravel-flatfox
$request = new GetPublicListing(identifier: 142); $response = $request->send(); $status = $request->status(); $dto = $request->dto();
ποΈ DTO showcase
CodebarAg\Flatfox\DTO\Listing { +pk: int|null +slug: string|null +url: array|null +short_url: string|null +submit_url: array|null +status: string|null +offer_type: string|null +object_category: string|null +object_type: string|null +reference: string|null +ref_property: string|null +ref_house: string|null +ref_object: string|null +alternative_reference: string|null +price_display: int|null +price_display_type: string|null +price_unit: string|null +rent_net: int|null +rent_charges: int|null +rent_gross: int|null +short_title: string|null +public_title: string|null +pitch_title: string|null +description_title: string|null +description: string|null +surface_living: int|null +surface_property: int|null +surface_usable: int|null +surface_usable_minimum: int|null +volume: int|null +space_display: int|null +number_of_rooms: string|null +floor: int|null +attributes: Collection DTO/Attribute|null +is_furnished: boolean|null +is_temporary: boolean|null +is_selling_furniture: boolean|null +street: string|null +zipcode: int|null +city: string|null +public_address: string|null +latitude: float|null +longitude: float|null +year_built: int|null +year_renovated: int|null +moving_date_type: string|null +moving_date: Carbon|null +video_url: string|null +tour_url: string|null +website_url: string|null +live_viewing_url: string|null +cover_image: int|null +images: Collection DTO/Image|null +documents: Collection DTO/Documenent|null +agency: DTO/Agency|null +reserved: boolean|null +livingspace: boolean|null +published: Carbon|null +created: Carbon|null
CodebarAg\Flatfox\DTO\Attribute { +name: string|null +name_2: string|null +street: string|null +zipcode: string|null +city: string|null +country: string|null +logo_url: string|null +logo_url_org_logo_m: string|null
CodebarAg\Flatfox\DTO\Agency { +name: string|null
CodebarAg\Flatfox\DTO\Image { +pk: int|null +caption: string|null +url: string|null +url_thumb_m: string|null +url_listing_search: string|null +search_url: string|null +ordering: int|null +width: int|null +height: int|null
CodebarAg\Flatfox\DTO\Document { +pk: int|null +url: string|null +ordering: int|null +caption: sting|null
π§ Testing
Copy your own phpunit.xml-file.
cp phpunit.xml.dist phpunit.xml
Run the tests:
π Changelog
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
βοΈ Contributing
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
composer test
Code Style
π§βπ» Security Vulnerabilities
Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.
π Credits
π License
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.