
A PHP implementation of the CM Authenticator API.

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

v1.0.0 2017-02-24 12:18 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-01-20 16:08:12 UTC



CM Authenticator is an easy to use authentication product that ensures the identity of your online users by adding an extra factor of authentication via the mobile phone.

When a user tries to login on your environment, the extra authentication will be presented to verify their attempt. The user can approve or deny this request instantly and securely via the CM Authenticator app on their smartphone. If there is no app available, an SMS can be received instead. Once the attempt has been approved, the user can then safely proceed.

For more in-depth information, check the API documentation.


Authentication flow


  1. Create an instant authentication request
    • User has the app installed, but not your environment added? A QR code image will be returned.
  2. The API will deliver it to the user via SMS or push
  3. Check the authentication status:
    • Listen for changes using the WebSocket and verify the JWT token
    • Checking the status manually
  4. If approved, grant the user access


  1. Create an OTP authentication request
  2. The API will deliver it to the user via SMS or push
  3. The user enters the OTP
  4. Verify the OTP
  5. If correct, grant the user access


Use composer to manage your dependencies and download the library:

$ composer require cmsecure/authenticator-client



Use your environment credentials to create an Authenticator instance.

$authenticator = new Authenticator($environmentId, $environmentSecret);

Create an authentication request

$auth = $authenticator->requestAuthentication($phoneNumber, $authType, $messageType, $expiry, $ip);
if (isset($auth->qr_url)) {
    echo "<img src='$auth->qr_url'>";

$phoneNumber: the phone number in the international E.164 format

$authType: the authentication type

$messageType (optional): the message type (default: auto)

$expiry (optional): the amount of time in seconds the authentication request is valid (default: 60)

$ip (optional): the IP-address of the requesting user (default: $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])

$auth: the created authentication, parsed from the JSON response returned by the server

If $auth contains the field qr_url, this means the user hasn't currently configured this environment in the app. The QR code image should be shown, it's used to transfer a secret key to the device. This only applies to instant verification.

Get authentication request info manually

$auth = $authenticator->getAuthentication($authId, $authType);

$authId: the ID of the authentication request, returned when the request was created

$authType: the authentication type

$authStatus: the current authentication status

For example, to check the authentication status:

$authStatus = $auth->auth_status;

Verify instant token

try {
    $authStatus = $authenticator->verifyInstantToken($instantToken);
    if ($authStatus == Authenticator::STATUS_APPROVED) {
        // authentication approved
    } else {
        // authentication denied
} catch (AuthenticationTokenException $e) {
    // authentication failed

$instantToken: the JWT token obtained from the WebSocket

$authStatus: the current authentication status

An AuthenticationTokenException will be thrown if the token is invalid, for example when the contents don't match the signature.

Verify OTP

$authStatus = $authenticator->verifyOTP($authId, $otp);
if ($authStatus == Authenticator::STATUS_APPROVED) {
    // authentication approved, correct OTP
} else {
    // authentication denied, incorrect OTP

$authId: the ID of the authentication request, returned when the request was created

$otp: the One-Time Password entered by the user

$authStatus: the current authentication status, approved in case the OTP was correct, denied if it was incorrect

Types and states

Authentication types

Type Description String value Constant
Instant Send a push notification or SMS link where the user can approve or deny the authentication request. instant Authenticator::AUTH_TYPE_INSTANT
OTP Send a One-Time Password code which the user has to enter on your website. otp Authenticator::AUTH_TYPE_OTP

Message types

Type Description String value Constant
Auto (default) It will automatically determine the message type. When the authentication request cannot be delivered as a push message, it will fallback to SMS. auto Authenticator::MSG_TYPE_AUTO
Push Only sent the authentication using a push message, no fallback to SMS. push Authenticator::MSG_TYPE_PUSH
SMS Only sent the authentication request using SMS. sms Authenticator::MSG_TYPE_SMS

Authentication states

Status Description String value Constant
Open The user did not respond to the request yet. open Authenticator::STATUS_OPEN
Approved The user approved the request. approved Authenticator::STATUS_APPROVED
Denied The user denied the the request. denied Authenticator::STATUS_DENIED
Expired The user did not respond to the request in time. expired Authenticator::STATUS_EXPIRED
Failed The API was unable to deliver the request to the user. For example when the message type is set to push, but the user does not have the app installed. failed Authenticator::STATUS_FAILED