
Carbon mixin to handle business days and opening hours

1.0.0 2023-07-29 16:10 UTC

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Last update: 2024-09-29 18:38:57 UTC


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DateTime modifiers such as startOfSeason, isInSummer

  • Season can be used as a service which can work with any DateTime or DateTimeImmutable object or date strings (which includes any subclass such as Carbon or Chronos).
  • Or it can be used as a mixin to call the methods directly on Carbon objects.
  • Mixin get automatically enabled on Laravel if auto-discovery is on.

How to use

The simple way

(new \Season\Season)->isInSummer('2022-06-25')
(new \Season\Season)->isInSummer(new DateTimeImmutable('2022-06-25'))
(new \Season\Season)->isInSummer(Carbon::now())

Methods are available from the class \Season\Season which is cheap to create, so you can just call methods from a new class everytime.

As a good practice, it's recommended you import the class with use Season\Season; at the beginning of the file:

use Season\Season;

(new Season)->isInSummer('2022-06-25');
(new Season)->isInSummer(new DateTimeImmutable('2022-06-25'));

And also to keep the same instance to re-use multiple times:

use Season\Season;

$season = new Season();
$season->isInSummer(new DateTimeImmutable('2022-06-25'));

As a service

You can use dependency injection with your framework:

use Season\Season;
use Psr\Clock\ClockInterface;

class ProductController
    public function new(Season $season, ClockInterface $clock)
        $seasonName = $season->getSeason($clock->now())->getName();

With Laravel it will be provided by default.

With Symfony, you'll have to register \Season\Season as a service and so edit config/services.yaml the following way:

        # ensure you get the tag 'controller.service_arguments'
        # if you need services to be available as controller
        # methods arguments:
        tags: [ 'controller.service_arguments' ]

    # then add the class name as a service

Learn more from Symfony documentation: Configuring Services in the Container

As Carbon methods (mixin)

use Carbon\Carbon;
use Cmixin\SeasonMixin;

// On Laravel, the mixin will be loaded by default.
// On other applications/framework, you can enable it with:


You can use mixin on CarbonImmutable, Carbon or any of their subclasses.


Disable mixin in Laravel

If you use Laravel but don't want to enable Season mixin globally for Carbon, you can remove it from auto-discovery using:

"extra": {
    "laravel": {
        "dont-discover": [

Customize days

By default, Season is created with the following config:

    3  => 20, // spring
    6  => 21, // summer
    9  => 22, // fall
    12 => 21, // winter

mapping the month (as key) with the day (as value) for each season start.

But you can pass a custom config with other days as long as the keys remain.

use Season\Season;

$season = new Season([
    3  => 21, // spring
    6  => 21, // summer
    9  => 21, // fall
    12 => 21, // winter

In Laravel, you can set the config in config/season.php which will apply to both the mixin and the service:

<?php return [
    3  => 21, // spring
    6  => 21, // summer
    9  => 21, // fall
    12 => 21, // winter

When using Carbon mixin alone, you can still call setSeasonConfig() to change the config globally:

    3  => 21, // spring
    6  => 21, // summer
    9  => 21, // fall
    12 => 21, // winter

Or apply a config on specific call:

echo Carbon::now()->getSeason([
    3  => 21, // spring
    6  => 21, // summer
    9  => 21, // fall
    12 => 21, // winter

With Symfony you can edit config/services.yaml to configure the service:

                3: 20
                6: 12
                9: 22
                12: 21
