
Easily add engagement features like likes, dislikes, upvotes, and downvotes to your models, paving the way for richer user interactions in your application

v1.0.0 2024-03-24 23:31 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-03 18:31:26 UTC


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Engageify is a Laravel package that allows you to integrate engagement features like user reactions (likes, upvotes) to your models.

Engagement Package GitHub Preview-2


You can install the package via composer:

composer require cjmellor/engageify

Publish the config file (optional)

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="engageify-config"

The published config file allows you to customize table names, model relationships, and more.


For Models you wish to have engagement features (likes/upvotes), use the Engageable trait.


use Cjmellor\Engageify\Concerns\HasEngagements;

class BlogPost extends Model
    use HasEngagements;

    // ...


Allow Users to react to a Model.

// Like

// Dislike

// Upvote

// Downvote

An Event is run on each reaction occurrence.

  • ModelLikedEvent
  • ModelDislikedEvent
  • ModelUpvotedEvent
  • ModelDownvotedEvent

Multiple Reactions

By default, a User can only react once to a Model. If you wish to allow multiple reactions, you can do so by setting the engagement.allow_multiple_engagements config value to true.

"Like" Specific Reaction

The "like" reaction has some additional functionality. A "like" can be "unliked". This shouldn't be confused with a "dislike" as a "dislike" counts as an engagement, whereas an "unlike" is deleting the engagement.


When a Model is "unliked", an Event is fired.

There is also a convenient toggle() method that will toggle between "like" and "unlike".


Fetch Engagements

Get the counts of the engagements.

// Likes

// Dislikes

// Upvotes

// Downvotes

Caching Engagement Counts

A caching feature is available, which is off by default but can be changed in the config file, or by adding it to your .env file


When an engagement is retrieved, it is cached, and further requests will retireve the data from the cache.

On each new engagement, the cache will be cleared.

Fetch Users' Who Engaged

Instead of just fetching the amount of engagements, you can fetch the Users who engaged.

$post->likes(showUsers: true);

This will return a Collection of Users who liked the Model.

This works on all 4 fetch methods.


Each engagement has an event that is fired when it occurs.

Here is an example of an Event when a Model is "liked". Each Event will return the same data

public Model $user,
public Model $engageable,
public Engagement $engagement,

When a Model is "unliked", a ModelDisengagedEvent is fired.

public Model $user,
public Model $engageable,


composer pest


Please see the CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


The MIT Licence (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.