
0.6.0 2024-03-18 03:45 UTC

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Last update: 2024-04-26 13:50:29 UTC


A caching library for PHP, implementing both PSR-6 and PSR-16.

PSR-6: Cache Interface PSR-16: Simple Cache

This library is a storage abstraction layer, which can be used as a cache client.

It provides CRUD access to several storage backends.

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This library is a storage abstraction layer, which can be used as a cache client.

It provides CRUD access to several storage backends.


You can use this layer to store and read information using these backends:

  • Database: any database supported by PDO
  • Folder: local files
  • IniFile: pairs within a INI file
  • JsonFile: pairs within a JSON file
  • Memcache: pairs within local or remote Memcache server
  • Memory: pairs within local memory, not persistent
  • Noop: dummy cache without any function, fallback if no other cache backend is available, yet
  • SerialFile: pairs within a local PHP serial file
  • SerialFolder: PHP serial files within a local folder
  • Session: pairs within the HTTP session


This library is available as composer package:

composer require ceus-media/cache

Of cource, you will need to use composer autoloader:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';


PSR-16 - Simple cache

Create cache

use CeusMedia\Cache\Factory as CacheFactory;

$cache	= CacheFactory::createStorage( 'Folder', __DIR__.'/cache' );

This would create a new folder cache in the current working directory, if allowed.

Write to cache

$cache->set( 'aRandomDigit', rand( 0, 9 ) );

Within the folder there would be file aRandomDigit, holding a digit between 0 and 9.

Reading from cache

You can later read this information, again:

$digit = $cache->get( 'aRandomDigit' );
if( NULL !== $digit ){
	//  cache hit
} else {
	//  cache miss

As you can see, the result is NULL, if the requested information is not cached (cache miss).

You can check if an information is cached:

if( $cache->has( 'aRandomDigit' ){
	//  cache hit
} else {
	//  cache miss

PSR-6 - Cache Pool

As defined in PHP-Figs PSR-6 there is a cache pool with items.

Create cache

use CeusMedia\Cache\CachePoolFactory;

$pool	= CachePoolFactory::createPool( 'Folder', __DIR__.'/cache' );

This would create a new folder cache in the current working directory, if allowed.

Write to cache

// get an existing or empty item
$item	= $pool->getItem( 'datetime' );

// set the new (or first) value
$item->set( date( DATE_ATOM ) );

// persist item in pool
$pool->save( $item );

Within the folder there would be file datetime, holding a timestamp.

Reading from cache

You can later read this information, again:

$item	= $pool->getItem( 'datetime' );
if( $item->isHit() ){
	$date	= $item->get();
	// ...
} else {
	// ...



In the past, this library was called Ceus Media Modules: Storage Engine Abstraction, in short CMM_SEA.

We used it for caching, mostly.

During migration via different VCSs and due to corporate wide product renaming, it became CeusMedia/Cache on GitHub.

Since a migration to implement PHP-Figs cache releated PSRs, there are now two ways to use this library.

Slow storages have been removed to keep an eye on performance.


Connector Factory

Replace the current resource strings, used on connecting a cache backend, by connector objects. For each backend there will be a connector class. A factory will ease the creation of these connectors.

Layered Caches

A cache client instance can have several backends, which are used in a defined order. This way, a slow cache backend (like a database or file based cache) can be wrapped by a faster cache backend (like a local memcache server). There are many interesting use cases.

Flattening Strategy

Since some cache backends cannot store structured data, a flattening strategy is needed. At the moment, each backend implements its own strategy. A better way is to select a stategy.

Cache Manager

Several cache client instances can be registered on a cache manager, which is a single resource for larger projects, like an application framework. During actions within the framework, the developer can select between several caches for different purposes.

More backends

  • Redis
  • No-SQL databases: MongoDB, CouchDB

Custom backends

Allow to register own cache backends.