
Manage address in laravel

v1.1.0 2025-02-05 06:16 UTC


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This is where your description should go. Limit it to a paragraph or two. Consider adding a small example.



You can install the package via composer:

composer require centrex/laravel-addresses

You can run the migrations with:

php artisan migrate

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="addresses-config"


First, add our HasAddresses trait to your model.

<?php namespace App\Models;

use Lecturize\Addresses\Traits\HasAddresses;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Post extends Model
    use HasAddresses;

    // ...
Add an Address to a Model
$post = Post::find(1);
    'street'     => '123 Example Drive',
    'city'       => 'Vienna',
    'post_code'  => '1110',
    'country'    => 'AT', // ISO-3166-2 or ISO-3166-3 country code
    'is_primary' => true, // optional flag

Alternativly you could do...

$address = [
    'street'     => '123 Example Drive',
    'city'       => 'Vienna',
    'post_code'  => '1110',
    'country'    => 'AT', // ISO-3166-2 or ISO-3166-3 country code
    'is_primary' => true, // optional flag

Available attributes are street, street_extra, city, post_code, state, country, state, notes (for internal use). You can also use custom flags like is_primary, is_billing & is_shipping. Optionally you could also pass lng and lat, in case you deactivated the included geocoding functionality and want to add them yourself.

Check if Model has Addresses
if ($post->hasAddresses()) {
    // Do something
Get all Addresses for a Model
$addresses = $post->addresses()->get();
Get primary/billing/shipping Addresses
$address = $post->getPrimaryAddress();
$address = $post->getBillingAddress();
$address = $post->getShippingAddress();
Update an Address for a Model
$address = $post->addresses()->first(); // fetch the address

$post->updateAddress($address, $new_attributes);
Delete an Address from a Model
$address = $post->addresses()->first(); // fetch the address

$post->deleteAddress($address); // delete by passing it as argument
Delete all Addresses from a Model


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composer test:types

โœ… Run unit tests using PEST

composer test:unit

๐Ÿš€ Run the entire test suite:

composer test


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.