
Laravel leaderbord module that besides the all-time leaderboard supports also periodic leaderboards: daily, weekly, monthly options backed by Redis.

v1.0 2020-04-03 07:10 UTC


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Laravel leaderboard module that supports both all-time leaderboards and periodic leaderboards (daily, weekly, monthly) backed by Redis.


  • PHP 8.1 or higher
  • Laravel 10.x, 11.x, or 12.x
  • Redis server


You can install the package via composer:

composer require canerdogan/laravel-leaderboard

The package will automatically register its service provider.


This package requires Redis to be configured in your Laravel application. Make sure you have the Redis configuration set up in your config/database.php file:

'redis' => [
    'client' => env('REDIS_CLIENT', 'predis'),
    'default' => [
        'host' => env('REDIS_HOST', ''),
        'password' => env('REDIS_PASSWORD', null),
        'port' => env('REDIS_PORT', 6379),
        'database' => env('REDIS_DB', 0),


Basic Usage

use CanErdogan\Leaderboard\Facades\Leaderboard;

// Insert a score for a user
Leaderboard::insertScore('user123', 100, [
    'featureId' => 'game1',
    'scoreData' => [
        'level' => 5,
        'time' => 120,
        'bonus' => 20

// Get the all-time leaderboard
$leaders = Leaderboard::getLeaderboard([
    'featureId' => 'game1',
    'fromRank' => 0,
    'toRank' => 9 // Top 10 players

// Get a user's best score
$score = Leaderboard::getUserBestScore('user123', [
    'featureId' => 'game1'
], [
    'rawscore' => true,
    'scoreData' => true,
    'date' => true

// Get a user's rank
$rank = Leaderboard::getRank('user123', [
    'featureId' => 'game1'

// Get leaderboard around a specific user
$aroundMe = Leaderboard::getAroundMeLeaderboard('user123', [
    'featureId' => 'game1',
    'range' => 5 // 5 players above and below

Periodic Leaderboards

The package supports daily, weekly, and monthly leaderboards. You need to enable them first:

// Enable periodic leaderboards
    'daily' => true,
    'weekly' => true,
    'monthly' => true

// Get the daily leaderboard
$dailyLeaders = Leaderboard::getLeaderboard([
    'leaderboard' => 'daily',
    'featureId' => 'game1',
    'fromRank' => 0,
    'toRank' => 9

// Get the weekly leaderboard
$weeklyLeaders = Leaderboard::getLeaderboard([
    'leaderboard' => 'weekly',
    'featureId' => 'game1',
    'fromRank' => 0,
    'toRank' => 9

// Get the monthly leaderboard
$monthlyLeaders = Leaderboard::getLeaderboard([
    'leaderboard' => 'monthly',
    'featureId' => 'game1',
    'fromRank' => 0,
    'toRank' => 9

Clearing Leaderboards

You can clear the leaderboards using the provided command:

php artisan leaderboard:clear

Or programmatically:

use CanErdogan\Leaderboard\RedisEndpoint;

$redisEndpoint = new RedisEndpoint();

Standalone Usage

You can also use the package without a full Laravel application. See the example in examples/standalone.php.

Laravel Controller Example

For a complete example of how to use the package in a Laravel controller, see the example in examples/laravel-usage.php.


composer test


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.