
store content in php files and only load new content while preserving existing content.

Installs: 95

Dependents: 1

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Forks: 0


0.2.0 2021-09-10 17:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-11 02:03:17 UTC


A mixture of doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle and doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle to store content in php files and only load new content while preserving existing content. kind of doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle with access to the entity manager.


create a php file in src/DataContent (you also can use the [c33s/maker-extra-bundle][maker_extra] to automate this process), add your content as entities and run php bin/console content:load in your symfony project to load the content.

final class Content20210715Example extends BaseContent
    public static function createdAtDate(): DateTimeImmutable
        return new DateTimeImmutable('2021-07-09T13:56:39.6982405Z');

    public function getEntities(): array
        $entities[] = new NewsEntry('My Headline', 'my content', '2021-07-15');
        $entities[] = new NewsEntry('Other Headline', 'my other content', '2021-07-17');

        return $entities;

loaded content files are stored in a tables and won't load again. you can also implement the preventLoadBeforeDate and/or preventLoadAfterDate to prevent load before or after a specific date:

final class Content20210715Example extends BaseContent
    public function preventLoadBeforeDate(): DateTimeInterface
        return new DateTimeImmutable('2021-06-01');

    public function preventLoadAfterDate(): DateTimeInterface
        return new DateTimeImmutable('2022-01-01');

via cli options you can also set a global "prevent load before/after" for all content files, which can be used together with current-date to "simulate" the current date.

you can also implement shouldFlushBefore and shouldFlushAfter to force a entity manager flush before/after this content file.

final class Content20210715Example extends BaseContent
    public function shouldFlushBefore(): bool
        return false;

    public function shouldFlushAfter(): bool
        return false;

the content loader fires an event before PreLoadEvent and after PostLoadEvent all loading is done.


Build from the need to add/create content via fixtures but allow to only add content and not remove or rebuild existing content, to allow the application to add new content by itself (e.g. adding a new article will auto create a news entry).

doctrine/fixtures could have been used, but the risk of loosing data by forgetting to add --append was too high. doctrine/migrations could have been used but the clear separation between data and migration could have been difficult. additional the usage of the entity manager in migrations is discouraged.
