
This module provides an alternative service factories definition, through configuration

1.0.3 2014-08-25 10:43 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 05:11:13 UTC


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This module allows you define ServiceManager factories through simple, yet verbose configuration.



  • ParameterResolver now takes correctly order into account (test coverage)



  1. Add this project to your composer.json:

    "require": {
        "buonaparte/bnp-service-definition": "1.*"
  2. Now tell composer to download BnpServiceDefinition by running the command:

    $ php composer.phar update

Post installation

Enabling it in your application.config.php file.

return array(
    'modules' => array(
        // ...
    // ...


Configure the module, by copying and adjusting config/bnp-service-definition.global.php.dist to your config include path.


In a default ZF2 Application you will define all dependencies through Factories, writing a Factory class for each service ofter takes a lot of time and becomes an additional overhead, for fast prototyping developers usually define Factories using Closures - the problem with Closures, is they cannot be cached. Many of Zf2 developer use Zend\Di for prototyping, however this one comes with even bigger overhead, besides too much magic. BnpServiceDefinition propose an alternative way of defining Factories, through all "beloved" array configuration, right in your module config. All definitions are represented by arrays, following the bellow structure (we will use short array syntax here, but this module has no dependency for PHP 5.4):

return [
    // ...
    'service_manager' => [
        // ...
        'definitions' => [
            'MovieLister' => [
                'class' => 'MyApp\Service\MovieLister',
                'arguments' => [
                    ['type' => 'service', 'value' => 'MovieFinder']
                'method_calls' => [
                    ['name' => 'setListingBehaviour', 'parameters' => ['default']]
            'MovieFinder' => [
                'class' => 'MyApp\Service\MovieFinder',
                'arguments' => [
                    ['type' => 'service', 'value' => 'MoviesTable']
            'MoviesTable' => [
                'class' => 'Zend\Db\TableGateway\TableGateway',
                'arguments' => [
                    ['type' => 'service', 'value' => 'Zend\Db\Adapter'],
                    ['type' => 'service', 'value' => 'MoviesResultSet']
            'MoviesResultSet' => [
                'class' => 'Zend\Db\ResultSet\HydratingResultSet',
                'arguments' => [
                    ['type' => 'service', 'value' => 'ClassMethodsHydrator'],
                    ['type' => 'service', 'value' => 'MovieEntityPrototype'],
        'invokables' => [
            'ClassMethodsHydrator' => 'Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\ClassMethods',
            'MovieEntityPrototype' => 'MyApp\Entity\MovieEntity'
        'shared' => [
            'MovieEntityPrototype' => false

The above example illustrates a pretty simple MovieLister service definition. Notice an additional key under your service_manager configuration. Each service definition can contain the following:

  • class - the service class name
  • arguments - arguments to pass to the constructor of the service, so called "hard dependencies"
  • method_calls - any additional method calls on the service before returning, like setter injection or initialization tasks

The MovieLister service is an instance of MyApp\Service\MovieLister having one single constructor argument with a pretty strange syntax, an array ['type' => 'service', 'value' => 'MovieFinder'], this tells the definition parser to look for a MovieFinder instance in the Applications service locator (this is called a Definition Parameter).

A definition parameter is a simple string or a an array containing 2 entries: type and value. Parameters are used to specify a service class name, constructor arguments, method names to call as well as it's parameters and conditions. By default BnpServiceDefinition comes with these resolvable parameter types:

  • config - takes a configuration value, specified by the value from the Config shared service, value can be either a string or an array pointing to a nested config, ex: ['parameters', 'some_parameter'] will return $config['parameters']['some_parameter'] or null if configuration value could not be found.

  • service - pulls a service by name, specified by the value from the ServiceManager, or null if the service is not defined or could not be created, ex: 'Zend\Log' will return $serviceLocator->get('Zend\Log') instance.

  • value - passes the parameter as it is, defined under the value key, only int, float / double, boolean and array are accepted. !!! Notice, if you want to pass an array as a parameter, you must use FQ form: ['type' => 'value', 'value' => ['my_array_elements']].

  • dsl - interprets the expression under the value key, the expression must be a valid Symfony Expression Language statement.

Every parameter gets compiled to the dsl type form by BnpServiceDefinition\Service\ParameterResolver, to evaluate or compile config and service types, for this purpose, the Symfony Expression Language is extended with 2 functions:

service(service_name, silent = false, instance = null)
config(string_or_array_for_nested_config_path, silent = true, type = null)

Supposing the MovieLister behaviour will be retrieved from database, the method_call definition could become:

// ...
'method_calls' => [
        'name' => 'setListingBehaviour',
        'parameters' => [
            ['type' => 'dsl', 'value' => 'service("PreferencesMapper").getDefaultListingBehaviour()']

Method calls also support conditions, so this the method will be called if all conditions will be evaluated to true, each condition is a Definition Parameter as well, this way the bellow is absolutely legal:

// ...
'method_calls' => [
        'name' => 'setListingBehaviour',
        'parameters' => [
            ['type' => 'dsl', 'value' => 'service("PreferencesMapper").getDefaultListingBehaviour()']
        'conditions' => [
            ['type' => 'dsl', 'value' => 'service("UserSession").hasDefaultListingSpecified()']

There are many cases when some of our services has the same constructor arguments, or part of them is the same. Because using Abstract Factories could not be the right choice or is simply impossible, you can define the repeating Service Factory stuff as an abstract definition, and all concrete factories will specify it as parant (parents are resolved recursively):

'definitions' => [
    'DbAdapterDependentService' => [
        'arguments' => [
            ['type' => 'service', 'value' => 'Zend\Db\Adapter']
        'abstract' => true,
        // suppose all of them will implement Zend\Stdlib\InitializableInterface
        'method_calls' => [
    'UserMapper' => [
        'class' => 'MyApp\Mapper\UserMapper',
        'parent' => 'DbAdapterDependentService'
    'SettingsMapper' => [
        'class' => 'MyApp\Mapper\SettingsMapper',
        'parent' => 'DbAdapterDependentService',
        'arguments' => [
            ['type' => 'config', 'value' => 'a_config_value', 'order' => -1]

Notice order key for parameters, this is optional and by default all parameters are given the order of 0, however, at the compile time, all arguments are sorted in ascending order of this key value, SettingsMappers first constructor argument will be a value pulled from the config.

Using definitions from PluginManager scopes

You can add definitions support for each Plugin Manager, by specifying it in definition-aware-containers under bnp-service-definition configuration key, Ex:

'bnp-service-definition' => [
    'definition-aware-containers' => [
        'ControllerManager' => 'controller_manager',

!!! Notice service type parameters or service dsl function using from this scopes will point to the ZF2's Application Service Manager, to access a plugin from current scope you can use this dsl syntax: service('ControllerManager').get('some_service').

Supposing a MoviesController, we can now inject the MovieLister service as a hard dependency:

'controller_manager' => [
    'definitions' => [
        'MoviesController' => [
            'class' => 'MyApp\Controller\MoviesController',
            'arguments' => [
                ['type' => 'service', 'value' => 'MovieLister']

How it works

During Application bootstrap event, BnpServiceDefinition module registers an additional Abstract Factory to the Application's ServiceManager, at the same time, definition-aware-containers under bnp-service-definition configuration key is read and an Abstract Factory instance is registered for each of containers specified. The Abstract Factory will look for definitions key under ServiceManager configuration key it belongs to and is responsible to create on the fly or delegate the creation to a compiled version of all "terminal" (do not contain 'abstract' => true) definitions.

If dump-abstract-factories under bnp-service-definition is set to true, The Abstract Factory will delegate all it's calls to the compiled (dumped) version, or each requested definition will be compiled to Symfony Expression Language and evaluated on the fly otherwise.

For performance considerations you will always use dump-abstract-factories set to true, the module will check if your definitions have changed and regenerate the compiled version on the fly, all you will care about is specify a writable directory for storing that abstract factories, ex: ./data/bnp-service-definitions

A dumped version for the MovieLister service example will be generated in a file BnpGeneratedAbstractFactory_a81f0487f49ba10e22972a55497525bc.php with this content:

 * Generated by BnpServiceDefinition\Service\Generator (at 10:40 25-08-2014)
class BnpGeneratedAbstractFactory_a81f0487f49ba10e22972a55497525bc implements \Zend\ServiceManager\AbstractFactoryInterface, \Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareInterface

     * @var \Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface
    protected $services = null;

     * @var string
    protected $scopeLocatorName = null;

     * Constructor
     * @param string $scopeLocatorName
    public function __construct($scopeLocatorName = null)
        $this->scopeLocatorName = $scopeLocatorName;

     * Determine if we can create a service with name
     * @param \Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator
     * @param string $name
     * @param string $requestedName
     * @return bool
    public function canCreateServiceWithName(\Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator, $name, $requestedName)
        return in_array($requestedName, array('MovieLister', 'MovieFinder', 'MoviesTable', 'MoviesResultSet'));

     * Create service with name
     * @param \Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator
     * @param string $name
     * @param string $requestedName
     * @return mixed
    public function createServiceWithName(\Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator, $name, $requestedName)
        switch ($requestedName) {

            case 'MovieLister':
                return $this->getMovieLister('MovieLister');
            case 'MovieFinder':
                return $this->getMovieFinder('MovieFinder');
            case 'MoviesTable':
                return $this->getMoviesTable('MoviesTable');
            case 'MoviesResultSet':
                return $this->getMoviesResultSet('MoviesResultSet');

        return null;

     * Set service locator
     * @param Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator
    public function setServiceLocator(\Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
        $this->services = $serviceLocator;

     * Get service locator
     * @return \Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface
    public function getServiceLocator()
        return $this->services;

     * Returns the service registered under "MovieLister" definition
     * @param string $definitionName
     * @return object
     * @throws \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException If an error occurs
     * during instantiation
    protected function getMovieLister($definitionName)
            function ($level, $message) use ($definitionName) {
                throw new \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf(
                    'A %d level error occurred (message: "%s") while creating %s service from compiled Abstract Factory',

        $serviceClassName = "MyApp\\Service\\MovieLister";
        if (! is_string($serviceClassName)) {
            throw new \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf(
                '%s definition class was not resolved to a string',
        if (! class_exists($serviceClassName, true)) {
            throw new \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf(
                '%s definition resolved to the class %s, which does no exit',
        $serviceReflection = new \ReflectionClass($serviceClassName);
        $service = $serviceReflection->newInstanceArgs(array($this->services->get('BnpServiceDefinition\Dsl\Extension\ServiceFunctionProvider')->getService("MovieFinder", false, null)));

        $serviceMethod = "setListingBehaviour";
        if (! is_string($serviceMethod)) {
            throw new \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf(
                'A method call can only be a string, %s provided, as %d method call for the %s service definition',
        } elseif (! method_exists($service, $serviceMethod)) {
            throw new \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf(
                'Requested method "%s::%s" (index %d) does not exists or is not visible for %s service definition',

            array($service, $serviceMethod),


        return $service;

     * Returns the service registered under "MovieFinder" definition
     * @param string $definitionName
     * @return object
     * @throws \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException If an error occurs
     * during instantiation
    protected function getMovieFinder($definitionName)
            function ($level, $message) use ($definitionName) {
                throw new \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf(
                    'A %d level error occurred (message: "%s") while creating %s service from compiled Abstract Factory',

        $serviceClassName = "MyApp\\Service\\MovieFinder";
        if (! is_string($serviceClassName)) {
            throw new \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf(
                '%s definition class was not resolved to a string',
        if (! class_exists($serviceClassName, true)) {
            throw new \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf(
                '%s definition resolved to the class %s, which does no exit',
        $serviceReflection = new \ReflectionClass($serviceClassName);
        $service = $serviceReflection->newInstanceArgs(array($this->services->get('BnpServiceDefinition\Dsl\Extension\ServiceFunctionProvider')->getService("MoviesTable", false, null)));


        return $service;

     * Returns the service registered under "MoviesTable" definition
     * @param string $definitionName
     * @return object
     * @throws \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException If an error occurs
     * during instantiation
    protected function getMoviesTable($definitionName)
            function ($level, $message) use ($definitionName) {
                throw new \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf(
                    'A %d level error occurred (message: "%s") while creating %s service from compiled Abstract Factory',

        $serviceClassName = "Zend\\Db\\TableGateway\\TableGateway";
        if (! is_string($serviceClassName)) {
            throw new \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf(
                '%s definition class was not resolved to a string',
        if (! class_exists($serviceClassName, true)) {
            throw new \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf(
                '%s definition resolved to the class %s, which does no exit',
        $serviceReflection = new \ReflectionClass($serviceClassName);
        $service = $serviceReflection->newInstanceArgs(array("movies", $this->services->get('BnpServiceDefinition\Dsl\Extension\ServiceFunctionProvider')->getService("Zend\\Db\\Adapter", false, null), null, $this->services->get('BnpServiceDefinition\Dsl\Extension\ServiceFunctionProvider')->getService("MoviesResultSet", false, null)));


        return $service;

     * Returns the service registered under "MoviesResultSet" definition
     * @param string $definitionName
     * @return object
     * @throws \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException If an error occurs
     * during instantiation
    protected function getMoviesResultSet($definitionName)
            function ($level, $message) use ($definitionName) {
                throw new \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf(
                    'A %d level error occurred (message: "%s") while creating %s service from compiled Abstract Factory',

        $serviceClassName = "Zend\\Db\\ResultSet\\HydratingResultSet";
        if (! is_string($serviceClassName)) {
            throw new \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf(
                '%s definition class was not resolved to a string',
        if (! class_exists($serviceClassName, true)) {
            throw new \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf(
                '%s definition resolved to the class %s, which does no exit',
        $serviceReflection = new \ReflectionClass($serviceClassName);
        $service = $serviceReflection->newInstanceArgs(array($this->services->get('BnpServiceDefinition\Dsl\Extension\ServiceFunctionProvider')->getService("ClassMethodsHydrator", false, null), $this->services->get('BnpServiceDefinition\Dsl\Extension\ServiceFunctionProvider')->getService("MovieEntityPrototype", false, null)));


        return $service;