
A voyager installer forked from Laravel's official application installer.

v2.0.3 2018-09-29 21:39 UTC


This simple little script is a fork of github.com/laravel/installer. Version numbers will be bumpped based on Laravel's installer numbers since I plan to keep them in sync.

About & Why

I have recently doing a number of small quick projects using Voyager and Laravel. They are all, at most a week's worth of work and I find it boring to install Laravel, then Voyager and iSeed every time I need to spin up a new project.

This porject is, very basically, the Laravel Installer with added requirements to composer.json This way, you can quickly get up to speed with a voyager project the same way you would with a Laravel one.

What is here?

Basically we have the Laravel installer default instalation with an added tcg/voyager package and orangehill/iseed.

Voyager, as the name of the installer suggests is the basic require for Voyager Admin.

iSeed is a simple but nevertheless essential install for anybody doing serious Laravel/Voyager work.

How to use it?

Do like you would with Laravel...

voyager new project-name

This will create a new project folder project-name in the current directory, all ready with the dependencies installed.. Follow the short instructions at the end of the installer and get up and running in a jiffy.

Quick install overview

Step 1 - Create a new project

voyager new project-name

Step 2 - Database and .Env

Create a database for use with your project and edit your .env file in the root of your project folder.

Step 3 - Install Voyager

from the root of your project directory

php artisan voyager:install

to install a default blank voyager project or

php artisan voyager:install --with-dummy

to install some sample data in your voyager instalation.

Step 4 - Create and Admin User

If you are using a blank install (like you most usually will), run this interactive command to create a user for your administration area. (repalce email@email.com with your desired email)

php artisan voyager:admin email@email.com --create

Just answer the questions the interactive shell asks you and you're all setup.

If you installed dummy data, the user is admin@admin.com and the password is password

Your login url is "http://yoursite/admin"

To Do and considerations

It would be nice to add a few extra things to this command line. Have it add information to the welcome screen for the laravel instalation would be nice (replace the default with my own version explaining the next steps and so on)

Have the option of creating a database automatically when you initiate a new project would also be nice maybe. Probably with an interactive prompt or something.

Please feel free to use this at your will.