
WP-CLI Community Package of BuddyPress commands

3.0.2 2025-02-16 16:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-16 16:29:38 UTC


Manage BuddyPress through the command-line.


The wp-cli-buddypress comes installed by default with BuddyPress. So if you need to use the latest version, run:

wp package install git@github.com:buddypress/wp-cli-buddypress.git

In many cases the default memory limit will not be enough to run composer, so running the following instead is generally recommended:

php -d memory_limit=512M "$(which wp)" package install git@github.com:buddypress/wp-cli-buddypress.git


This package adds commands to all core BuddyPress components. The component used needs to be activated for it to be used. Here are a few examples:

wp bp

Manage all BuddyPress commands.

wp bp

wp bp activity

Manage BuddyPress Activities.

# Create Activity
$ wp bp activity create
Success: Successfully created new activity item (ID #5464).

# Create Group Activity
$ wp bp activity add --component=groups --item-id=2 --user-id=10
Success: Successfully created new activity item (ID #48949)

wp bp group

Manage BuddyPress Groups.

# Create Group
$ wp bp group create --name="Totally Cool Group"
Success: Group (ID 5465) created: http://example.com/groups/totally-cool-group/

# Delete a Group
$ wp bp group delete group-slug --yes
Success: Group successfully deleted.

wp bp messages

Manage BuddyPress Messages.

# Create message
wp bp message create --from=user1 --to=user2 --subject="Message Title" --content="We are ready"
Success: Message successfully created.

# Delete thread
$ wp bp message delete-thread 456456 --user-id=user_logon --yes
Success: Thread successfully deleted.

wp bp xprofile

Manage BuddyPress XProfile.

# Create a xprofile group.
$ wp bp xprofile group create --name="Group Name" --description="Xprofile Group Description"
Success: Created XProfile field group "Group Name" (ID 123).

# List xprofile fields.
$ wp bp xprofile field list

# Save a xprofile data to a user with its field and value.
$ wp bp xprofile data set --user-id=45 --field-id=120 --value=teste
Success: Updated XProfile field "Field Name" (ID 120) with value  "teste" for user user_login (ID 45).

wp bp notification

Manage BuddyPress Notifications.

# Create notification item.
$ wp bp notification create
Success: Successfully created new notification. (ID #5464)

# Delete a notification item.
$ wp bp notification delete 520
Success: Notification deleted.

wp bp email

Manage BuddyPress Emails

# Create email
$ wp bp email create --type=new-event --type-description="Send an email when a new event is created" --subject="[{{{site.name}}}] A new event was created" --content="<a href='{{{some.custom-token-url}}}'></a>A new event</a> was created" --plain-text-content="A new event was created"
Success: Email post created for type "new-event".

# Create email with content from given file
$ wp bp email create ./email-content.txt --type=new-event --type-description="Send an email when a new event is created" --subject="[{{{site.name}}}] A new event was created" --plain-text-content="A new event was created"
Success: Email post created for type "new-event".

wp bp member

Manage BuddyPress Members.

# Generate BuddyPress members.
$ wp bp member generate

wp bp signup

Manage BuddyPress Signups

# Create a signup
$ wp bp signup create --user-login=test_user --user-email=teste@site.com
Success: Successfully added new user signup (ID #345).

# Activate a signup
$ wp bp signup activate ee48ec319fef3nn4
Success: Signup activated, new user (ID #545).

wp bp tool

Manage BuddyPress repairs tools.

# Repairing friend-count
$ wp bp tool repair friend-count
Success: Counting the number of friends for each user. Complete!

# Activate signup
$ wp bp tool signup 1
Success: Signup tool updated.


Github issues aren't for general support questions, there are other venues you can try: https://buddypress.org/support