
OpenAPI handy toolbox for Laravel applications.

v2.0.0 2024-10-24 08:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-04 19:42:57 UTC


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🧰 openapi-toolbox

OpenAPI Toolbox is a handy package with all important documentation-related features we are using in some of @blumilksoftware projects.


Install package via Composer and publish configuration file:

composer require blumilksoftware/openapi-toolbox
php artisan vendor:publish

If you need it only for internal development (no documentation serving) you can install it with a development flag:

composer require blumilksoftware/openapi-toolbox --dev
php artisan vendor:publish


Configuration file should be published into your application after running php artisan vendor:publish command. It should look like below:

return [
    "default" => "openapi",
    "documentations" => [
        "openapi" => [
            "format" => Format::YmlToJson,
            "specification" => [
                "path" => resource_path("openapi"),
                "index" => "openapi.yml",
                "allow_multiple_files" => false,
             "cache" => [
                "enabled" => false,
                "driver" => "default",
                "key" => "openapi",
            "ui" => [
                "enabled" => false,
                "single_source" => false,
                "title" => "Documentation",
                "routing" => [
                    "prefix" => "documentation",
                    "name" => "documentation",
                    "middlewares" => [],
                "provider" => UIProvider::Elements,
    "providers" => [
        "elements" => [
            "script" => [
                "src" => "",
                "sri" => "sha384-bwBnouovwwSJc5fWe7VFNxRg+T2lPHhUcHIzdf7mFfqTZkYtM3T/ehzfEr8F02yY",
            "stylesheet" => [
                "href" => "",
                "sri" => "sha384-1lLf7J28IOR7k5RlItk6Y+G3hDgVB3y4RCgWNq6ZSwjYfvJXPtZAdW0uklsAZbGW",
        "swagger" => [
            "script" => [
                "src" => "",
                "sri" => "sha384-xy3YXp34ftsoHshRtcUFjOl/M22B5OEHD5S9AjtVzQokz+BxNff8vNW08msKmH46",
            "stylesheet" => [
                "href" => "",
                "sri" => "sha384-pzdBB6iZwPIzBHgXle+9cgvKuMgtWNrBopXkjrWnKCi3m4uJsPPdLQ4IPMqRDirS",


Multiple documentations

You can create more than one documentation by adding element to openapi_toolbox.documentations array.

return {
    "test" => [
        "format" => Format::YmlToJson,
        "specification" => [
            "path" => resource_path("documentation/test"),
            "index" => "openapi.yml",
            "allow_multiple_files" => false,
        "cache" => [
            "enabled" => false,
            "driver" => "default",
            "key" => "openapi",
        "ui" => [
            "enabled" => false,
            "single_source" => false,
            "title" => "Test documentation",
            "routing" => [
                "prefix" => "documentation/test",
                "name" => "documentation.test",
                "middlewares" => [],
            "provider" => UIProvider::Elements,

OpenAPI documentation UI

With configuration ui.enabled = true a documentation UI will be built from configurable path and served on configurable route. Currently, the Stoplight Elements and Swagger UI are only available UI base components configurable by ui.provider setting.

By default, it should be one documentation available under GET /documentation.

By changing configuration variable ui.single_source to true, application will serve already built single source file for GUI.

OpenAPI documentation endpoint

Serving a documentation itself can be tricky, especially if specification is built from multiple nested files. Here OpenAPI specification files will be built accordingly to configuration and by default the result should be available under GET /documentation/raw.

OpenAPI specification validation

OpenAPI specification files will be built accordingly to configuration and validated on demand by running an Artisan command:

php artisan openapi:validate {documentation}

Good example of usage would be adding this command to CI pipeline for opened pull requests.

Testing requests and responses against OpenAPI specification

Based on kirschbaum-development/laravel-openapi-validator, special trait added to selected PHPUnit test cases enables validation against application's OpenAPI specification:

use \Blumilk\OpenApiToolbox\OpenApiCompatibility\OpenApiCompatibility;

By default, the documentation will be used from openapi_toolbox.default option. You should consider to override getDocumentationName() or getDocumentationConfig() method to select documentation you want to test.

Every time any HTTP call to application would be performed during tests, additional validation will be performed and structure of requests and responses will be checked against OpenAPI specification. For special cases (e.g. testing invalid requests) this validation can be disabled by using $this->withoutRequestValidation() and $this->withoutResponseValidation().

With configuration cache.enabled = true internal builders will use cached OpenAPI specifications. You can change the cache store by setting the cache.driver option, for example: cache.driver = redis. Make sure to use one of the cache drivers available in your Laravel application.