
Blumilk codestyle configurator

v4.0.1 2024-12-13 07:01 UTC


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A common codestyle helper for all Blumilk projects.


Add package to our project:

composer require blumilksoftware/codestyle --dev

Then run following to create configuration file and add scripts to the composer.json file:

./vendor/bin/codestyle init

Or you can create codestyle.php file in your project's root directory:



use Blumilk\Codestyle\Config;

return new Config();


You can configure paths and rules in Config class constructor:



use Blumilk\Codestyle\Config;
use Blumilk\Codestyle\Configuration\Defaults\LaravelPaths;

$paths = new LaravelPaths();

$config = new Config(
    paths: $paths->filter("app", "tests")->add("src"),

return $config->config();




use Blumilk\Codestyle\Config;
use Blumilk\Codestyle\Configuration\Defaults\LaravelPaths;

$config = new Config(
    paths: new LaravelPaths(LaravelPaths::LARAVEL_8_PATHS),

return $config->config();




use Blumilk\Codestyle\Config;
use Blumilk\Codestyle\Configuration\Defaults\Paths;

$config = new Config(
    paths: new Paths("src"),

return $config->config();

Usage with Composer

Add scripts to your composer.json file:

  "scripts": {
    "cs": "./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --dry-run --diff --config codestyle.php",
    "csf": "./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --diff --config codestyle.php"

Then run following command to check codestyle:

composer cs

or following to fix found errors:

composer csf

Additional configuration

If you want to disable risky rules, you can add withoutRiskyFixers method to the config file:

return $config->withoutRiskyFixers()->config();

If you want to enable ignoring marked file, you can add ignoreMarkedFiles method to the config file:

return $config->ignoreMarkedFiles()->config();

and then add // php-cs-fixer:ignore-file to the file which you want to ignore.

Upgrading guide

Upgrading guide is available in file.


In cloned or forked repository, run:

cp .env.example .env
composer install

There are scripts available for package codestyle checking and testing:

There is also the Docker Compose configuration available:

docker compose up -d
docker compose exec php php -v
docker compose exec php composer -V

There are also Makefile commands available:

make run
make shell
make stop

Please maintain our project guidelines:

  • keep issues well described, labeled and in English,
  • add issue number to all your commits,
  • add issue number to your branch name,
  • squash your commits into one commit with standardized name.