
Blumilk codestyle configurator

v4.1.0 2025-03-03 07:17 UTC


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A common codestyle helper for all Blumilk projects.


Add package to our project:

composer require blumilksoftware/codestyle --dev

Then run following to create configuration file and add scripts to the composer.json file:

./vendor/bin/codestyle init

Or you can create codestyle.php file in your project's root directory:



use Blumilk\Codestyle\Config;

return new Config();


You can configure paths and rules in Config class constructor:



use Blumilk\Codestyle\Config;
use Blumilk\Codestyle\Configuration\Defaults\LaravelPaths;

$paths = new LaravelPaths();

$config = new Config(
    paths: $paths->filter("app", "tests")->add("src"),

return $config->config();




use Blumilk\Codestyle\Config;
use Blumilk\Codestyle\Configuration\Defaults\LaravelPaths;

$config = new Config(
    paths: new LaravelPaths(LaravelPaths::LARAVEL_8_PATHS),

return $config->config();




use Blumilk\Codestyle\Config;
use Blumilk\Codestyle\Configuration\Defaults\Paths;

$config = new Config(
    paths: new Paths("src"),

return $config->config();

Usage with Composer

Add scripts to your composer.json file:

  "scripts": {
    "cs": "./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --dry-run --diff --config codestyle.php",
    "csf": "./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --diff --config codestyle.php"

Then run following command to check codestyle:

composer cs

or following to fix found errors:

composer csf

Additional configuration

If you want to disable risky rules, you can add withoutRiskyFixers method to the config file:

return $config->withoutRiskyFixers()->config();

If you want to enable ignoring marked file, you can add ignoreMarkedFiles method to the config file:

return $config->ignoreMarkedFiles()->config();

and then add // php-cs-fixer:ignore-file to the file which you want to ignore.

Upgrading guide

Upgrading guide is available in file.


In cloned or forked repository, run:

cp .env.example .env
composer install

There are scripts available for package codestyle checking and testing:

Command Description
composer cs Runs codestyle against the package itself
composer csf Runs codestyle with fixer enabled against the package itself
composer test Runs all test cases
composer unit Runs tests for package features
composer e2e Runs tests for codestyle rules

There is also the Docker Compose configuration available:

docker compose up -d
docker compose exec php php -v
docker compose exec php composer -V

There are also Makefile commands available:

make run
make shell
make stop

Please maintain our project guidelines:

  • keep issues well described, labeled and in English,
  • add issue number to all your commits,
  • add issue number to your branch name,
  • squash your commits into one commit with standardized name.