blitzik / router
A Router for Nette framework
- php: >=7.1
- nette/application: ^2.4
- nette/caching: ^2.5
- nette/di: ^2.4
- nette/robot-loader: ^2.4
Requires (Dev)
- nette/application: ^2.4
- nette/bootstrap: ^2.4
- nette/caching: ^2.5
- nette/di: ^2.4
- nette/robot-loader: ^2.4
- tracy/tracy: ^2.4
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-02 03:16:46 UTC
Router with basic loaders is useful for small websites with a few pages. You just define your url addresses in Neon file and the Router will take care of the rest.
$ composer require blitzik/router
So you've downloaded the extension and now you have to register it in your configuration file:
extensions: router: blitzik\Router\DI\RouterExtension
Extension is now registered under the name router. Our new router should be working at this time.
If you want to combine power of this router with Nette's native routes, we can add our new Router into RouteList.
Find your RouterFactory.php and modify it:
class RouterFactory { use Nette\StaticClass; public static function createRouter(Nette\Application\IRouter $customRouter) { $router = new RouteList; $router[] = $customRouter; $router[] = new Route('<presenter>/<action>', 'YourPresenter:default'); return $router; } }
Edit config.neon:
services: router.router: autowired: no myRouter: App\RouterFactory::createRouter(@router.router)
Router is ready so let's create some urls. Default location for your routing file is app/router/routing.neon. The location can be changed in config file:
router: # this is the name of registered extension routingFile: %appDir%/your/file/path/routing.neon
Urls definition
Urls are defined under paths section.
Each path can point to it's own presenter.
routing.neon (auto IDs are disabled)
paths: # empty string means main page "": Homepage:default # "about": About:default # "contact": Contact:default #
If you enable automatically generated internal IDs or set your own internal IDs,
then many paths can point to exactly one presenter.
(How to enable auto internal IDs can be found in Router Settings section at the bottom of this page)
You can write your urls this way if auto internal IDs are enabled. You don't have to specify internal IDs for routes pointing to same presenter.
routing.neon (auto IDs are enabled)
paths: "": Homepage:default # "about": Page:default # "contact": Page:default #
On the other hand, if auto generated internal IDs are disabled and you have some urls pointing to same presenter, you have to specify internal IDs manually otherwise an exception will be thrown.
routing.neon (auto IDs are disabled)
paths: "": Homepage:default # "about": # destination: Page:default internalId: about "contact": # destination: Page:default internalId: contact
Some examples of generated identifiers:
paths: # Identifier "": Homepage:default # "" "page": Page:default # page "page2.html": Page:default # page2.html "page-name": Page:default # pageName "page-1name": Page:default # page1name "en/pagename": Page:default # enPagename "en/page-name": Page:default # enPageName "en/category/page-name": Page:default # enCategoryPageName
So, let's say we have auto generated internal IDs enabled or we have many paths pointing to one presenter and each path has manually set internal ID. We can then create templates, name them after identifiers and process them:
--- presenters
------ templates
--------- Page
------------ page.latte (
------------ page2.html.latte (
------------ pageName.latte (
class PagePresenter extends Nette\Application\UI\Presenter { // $internalId parameter is the identifier public function actionDefault($internalId) { $this->setView($internalId); // or load page from database if you write your own url loader } }
If you don't like automatically created identifiers, you can set your own:
routing.neon (auto IDs are enabled)
paths: "": Homepage:default "about": destination: Page:default internalId: aboutPage # your identifier "contact": destination: Page:default internalId: contactPage # your identifier
Apart from internal IDs you can set an internal parameter or more under internalParameters section:
paths: "cool-page/january": destination: Page:default internalParameters: month: 1 "cool-page/february": destination: Page:default internalParameters: month: 2
class PagePresenter extends Nette\Application\UI\Presenter { // and here you will get the internal parameter/s public function actionDefault($internalId, $month) { } }
Cache needs to be cleared after every change in your routing file.
Router supports simple redirection from one url to other:
paths: "": Homepage:default "page": destination: Page:default redirectTo: different-page "different-page": Page:default
If you have an old Url (and that Url does not have set Presenter and Action) that you want to redirect to a new one but you don't want to create links on this old one url, you can set it as one way url:
paths: "": Homepage:default "old-page": oneWay: different-page "different-page": Page:default
When you are building multilingual website, you need to know what locale is currently set.
You have to specify locales section in routing.neon:
locales: - cs - en - de paths: "": Homepage:default # cs "stranka": Page:default # cs "en/page": Page:default # en
When you define your locales like this then the first locale in list will be the default one. If you want to specify explicitly your default locale, you can use word default as a key.
locales: - cs default: en - de paths: "": Homepage:default # en "page": Page:default # en "cs/stranka": Page:default # cs
Locale have to be specified at the start of the URL path so Router can take this locale and create a parameter that will be passed into application. Only locales that are set in list can be turned into parameter.
Parameter filters
You can add to router a parameter filter that will modify a value of a parameter in url's query string.
Example: If you want to hide real, integer IDs in url.
We have to create a parameter filter first, so let's create a class that implements interface IParameterFilter.
class PageIdFilter implements IParameterFilter { // Method returns name of the filter // (must be unique otherwise an exception will be thrown) public function getName(): string { return 'PageIdFilter'; } // method that have to "decode" encoded parameter public function filterIn($modifiedParameter): ?string { return (string)hexdec($modifiedParameter); } // method that have to "encode" parameter public function filterOut($parameter): ?string { return (string)dechex($parameter); } }
So, we've created our parameter filter and we have to register it in our config file as a service. Router extension will find this service and automatically adds it into the Router.
services: - PageIdFilter
Parameter filter is now ready to use. Each path in routing file can have "filters" section where we can specify which parameters should be affected by our filters.
routing.neon (auto IDs are disabled)
paths: "": Homepage:default products: destination: Product:overview filters: PageIdFilter: # our created filter - id # name of affected parameter
Router settings
An extension (.html, ...) for each URL can be set in your routing file but there is better solution if you want to set it globally:
router: routingFile: %appDir%/your/file/path/routing.neon extension: html
If your website is secured with SSL, you can turn on an option that will reflect that into your urls:
router: routingFile: %appDir%/your/file/path/routing.neon isSecured: true
If you want the Router to automatically create internalIds to your routes, you can enable this function.
router: autoInternalIds: true # by default it's FALSE